Saturday, February 20, 2016

February 20, 2016 Saturday #movenotrest#faithlife#8vs10#wine#mom#Nepalelderly

Get Fit
After that very strenuous (well for me) yoga class yesterday I decided to do light aerobics and weights today and now I feel better.  I don't think resting muscles is a good thing to do unless you have a strain.  Correct me if I am wrong.  Not you couch potatoes who think resting is the best thing to always do for your muscles.

Get Faith
Colossians 1:21-23a This is about reconciling yourself to death.  The writer talks about a man that lost his mother and can't come to grips with it.  He tries desperately to find faith so he can believe that he will see his mother again and be together.  This is where God comes in.  We need the Holy Spirit to be with us and strengthen our faith, to remind us that our Father sent His Son to us so that we can be reconciled to death.  Don't wait until the time is right - start reinforcing your faith by study and prayer now.  God has done the rest.

On this day
1976 - I was 29 and this was the first time I was going to try skiing.  There were ten of us, Pat & Pam, Bob & Alice, Molly & Gary, Mike & Michelle and Pete and I.  They were all seasoned skiers except Pete and I.  We had rented an 8 person chalet and went right to the pub when we got there. We had a good time at Boyne!

 1673 - The first recorded wine auction took place in London.  I can't imagine the wine they were selling either very good or very bad, what do you think?  I'm going to a wine tasting tonight - probably not the same.

The Bible study strikes home with me after just losing my Mom two months ago.  I miss her a lot.  She lived here with me for over 12 years and then last year in the hospital, rehab, nursing and then an assisted living place that she loved.  I took good care of her and am glad I did.  Not only am I am peace because I spent that time with her but because my faith is so strong that I trust entirely in God to care for her now.  She is in better hands.  Look after the people you love as God looks after you.

Nepal  Kind of long but worth the read.

Social Welfare Centre Elderly’s Home, Pashupatinah
Report by Mr. Udaya Lal Shrestha, General Secretary, ULBA-Youth Wing
March 2006
Social Welfare Centre Briddhashram is the only Elderly's Home operated by His Majesty's Government in the Kingdom Nepal. It was established in 1882 A.D and operated as being the Panchadeval Pakshala in the regime of His Majesty Surendra Vir Vikram Shah. Now at present it is being operated by the name of Social Welfare Centre Elderly's Home, Pashupati since 1977 A. D. The total sheltering capacity of this Elderly Home is 230 persons.

Criteria of entrance/description and procedures to have been submitted for getting the shelter in the Elderly's Home are:

- The Nepalese citizenship certificate of completion of the age of 65 years

- A clear recommendation letter from the concerned Village Development Committee or Municipality, stating that the person is orphan, helpless, poor and he has on body to take care of.

- The concerned person should submit an application to the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare requesting for permission to live in Elderly's Home.

- After application is approved, admission shall be made if there is vacancy.

- The services and facilities provided by this Elderly's Home is:

- Maintenance and housing provision

- Health care and sanitation provision

- Clothing provision twice a year

- Celebration of traditional festivals

- Pilgrimage provision from time to time

- Provision of singing the songs of pray and other religious programmes in every morning and evening

- Provision of funeral rites after death and death anniversary social tradition

If any organization or a person intends to assist this center in case of cash, it can be put into the saving account of Elderly's Home Welfare fund in Rastriya Banijya Bank, Gaushala, Kathmandu.

If somebody intends to provide voluntarily in kinds or any other commodities for the old people, the donor may provide by contacting the office chief. If any organization or a person intends to provide any kind of service (for example taking care of medicine and health check up, religious discourse etc.) he can provide by getting permission from the office chief.

Regarding the situation we, members of ULBA Youth Wing and United ULBA Free Clinic decided to offer some food and money to old people of Elderly's Home. We distributed two packets of Biscuits and NRs. 5/- each to whole 230 old people. It felt so good and peaceful to give something from your heart and we got many blessings from them, which were very precious to us. If given a chance to serve helpless people we will do more of these programmes. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Stephanie!

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