Wednesday, February 17, 2016

February 17, 2016 Wednesday #motivated!#immenensity#celebrate#relative#Maoistguerrillas.

Get Fit
Arms. legs and abs with the resistance ring.  They call it Pilates, it isn't really.  But it is something to do.  She does say to stay motivated!  I do  too!

Get Faith
Colossians 1:15-16  God created His son in His image and has given all of creation and power over to Him.  We as brothers and sisters of Christ are invited to join in the joy and salvation that His life bought us.  From the beginning of time to the end, from one end of the universe to the other is God.  His being and immense love is over and around us all.  "God, may the wonder of the night sky humble our hearts and move us to joy and praise. Amen." God is Great!

On this day
2007 - It was my 60th birthday and Nicole and I went to Tully's for a dinner with friends from church.  It was a thing called dinner for six and we did that for a few years, designed to have people know each other better.  After a while it is all the same people and we know each other pretty well, I voted to keep it but it slipped silently away.  Nicole and I also went to a surprise birthday party for my niece Merri at her friends house.  It was her 30th.  Ah.... I remember those days!

1801 - The U.S. House of Representatives broke an electoral tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Jefferson was elected president and Burr became vice president. Think about this in terms of todays election ?  Eoweee.

It is all relative.  I was 30 when my niece Merri was  born.  It didn't seem to bad then, but I was 38 when my daughter was born.  Now it seems like a lot of time.  A lady at church today told me her "baby" was 59 today.  It is all relative.  Enjoy all of your years.!

King Gyanendra Asserts Control over the Government
King Gyanendra dismissed the government in Oct. 2002, calling it corrupt and ineffective. He declared a state of emergency in November and ordered the army to crack down on the Maoist guerrillas. The rebels intensified their campaign, and the government responded with equal intensity, killing hundreds of Maoists, the largest toll since the insurgency began in 1996. In Aug. 2003, the Maoist rebels withdrew from peace talks with the government and ended a cease-fire that had been signed in Jan. 2003. The following August, the rebels blockaded Kathmandu for a week, cutting off shipments of food and fuel to the capital.  Like all countries war mongers.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to me! and Michael!

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