Saturday, February 13, 2016

February 13, 2016 Saturday #workouthearts!#sharefaiath#gameday#warmhearts#Indrafrom?

Get Fit
I did dancers legs workout today.  All about the legs and no wonder mine ache all the time.  I did see a site on google that suggested because it is Valentine weekend that you workout with your sweetie!  Awww - stay strong so you can spend lots of years together.

Get Faith
Colossians 1:7-8   The early Christians celebrated those among them that shared the Gospel and had the Holy Spirit in their heart.  God our Father, the creator, Jesus is our brother who sacrificed himself for us in love and the Spirit that enters into life with us  at our baptism, who creates in us the love and compassion we have for one another.  "Stir us to live for others, God, sharing the love your Spirit stirs in our hearts.  Amen." Our Triune God.  Recognize and thank those who help your faith grow.

On this day
1997 - We went to my brothers to celebrate my niece Merri's birthday, she turned 20.  But you always show up for family birthdays!  We played a game called Songburst, it was a lot of fun for a family that enjoys music as much as we do.

1997 - The Dow Jones industrial average passed the 7,000 mark for the first time. The day ended at 7,022.44. The good old days!

With Michigan weather reminding us it's winter - I, personally like to stay in.  Last night Nicole and Craig had dinner with me and then headed out to a local pub.  It must have been slow they were back in no time.  Nicole brought out the game of Scrabble and we played a game, she beat me.  So get your valentine, settle in with a bottle of wine and a good board or card game and enjoy.  Chris how did that game go we played up at your place this past summer?



Sculpture of the Vedic god Indrafrom Nepal
Neolithic tools found in the Kathmandu Valley indicate that people have been living in the Himalayan region for at least eleven thousand years.[30] The oldest population layer is believed to be represented by the Kusunda people.[31]
Nepal is first mentioned in the late Vedic Atharvaveda Pariśiṣṭa as a place exporting blankets and in the post-VedicAtharvashirsha Upanishad.[32] In Samudragupta's Allahabad Pillar it is mentioned as a bordering country. The Skanda Purana has a separate chapter known as "Nepal Mahatmya" that explains in more details about the beauty and power of Nepal.[33] Nepal is also mentioned in Hindu texts such as the Narayana Puja.[32]
Tibeto-Burman-speaking people probably lived in Nepal 2500 years ago.[34] However, there is no archaeologic evidence of the Gopal Bansa or Kirati rulers, only mention by the later Licchavi and Malla eras.[35]
Around 500 BCE, small kingdoms and confederations of clans arose in the southern regions of Nepal. From one of these, the Shakya polity, arose a prince who later renounced his status to lead an ascetic life, founded Buddhism, and came to be known as Gautama Buddha (traditionally dated 563–483 BCE).
By 250 BCE, the southern regions came under the influence of the Maurya Empire of North India and parts of Nepal later on became a nominal vassal state under the Gupta Empire in the fourth century CE. Beginning in the third century CE, the Licchavi Kingdom governed the Kathmandu Valley and the region surrounding central Nepal.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Reggie, Alisha and Joe!

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