Monday, February 1, 2016

February 1, 2016 Monday #abs!#Jesusisthelight#darkroads#streetlights#nightlight#Nepal!

Get Fit
Start the week with a good ab workout.  Whether you sit at a desk, drive a truck or walk the halls of a hospital as medical - all which are hard on the lower back, you need to strengthen the abdominals to support that lower back.  A fifteen minute workout of sit ups will save you that tired worn out back at the end of the day.

Get Faith
Psalm 56:10-11  "In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise - in
God I trust and am not afraid.  What can man do to me?"  As the study writer says today, we are afraid of the unknown as in being afraid of the dark you need to turn on the light.  It is the same with God, you need to know Him to not be afraid of Him.

On this day
2008  After work on Fridays I drove straight up to Fitz's place to spend the weekend.  This day was snowy, cold and icy.  Fitz lived up by Marine City, in the country with dark roads and not a lot of traffic.  I was horrified to drive up there on bad roads but I put my big girl pants on because he was a blind guy that lived in fear of a continuous dark and needed to be fed and cared for.  I did pray a lot on some of the drives in winter up there.  This day was one of them, I remember.

1862 - "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," by Julia Ward Howe was first published in the "Atlantic Monthly." Here is a song that has given many strength and confidence to carry on in dark times.

I was terrified of the dark as a child and so I was not good at making Nicole feel better about it.  Our house is laid out so that unless you shut the bedroom door the room is not dark because of light in the rest of the house.  I never shut her door. She doesn't have the adult fear of the dark that I still occasionally deal with so I guess I didn't share my fear with her.  I find it cruel to lock a small child in a dark room with the door shut to go to sleep.  I'm sure there are others who feel different. 

Everest Base Camp Trekking - Photo by Julia Mayer
Updated August 27, 2014.
  • Time: UTC + 5:45 (9 hours and 45 minutes ahead of US Eastern Standard Time)
  • Country Phone Code: +977
  • Capital City: Kathmandu (population: 975,453 per 2011 census)
  • Primary Religion: Hindu
Nepal travel is rewarded with friendly people, unspoiled nature, and stunning views of the highest peaks in the world. Sandwiched between two world superpowers, China and India, Nepal is slightly larger than the US state of Arkansas.

Travel to Nepal

Nepal has five official border crossings open to tourists where it is possible to cross overland from North India. Otherwise, a majority of international visitors fly into Kathmandu's Tribhuvan International Airport (airport code: KTM).
Plan to be bombarded by offers from touts, drivers, hotels, and mountain guides as soon as you step outside of the small airport.  Fair warning!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Chris, Donna, Jason and Amy!

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