Friday, June 30, 2017

June 30, 2017 Friday #movetohealth#newpath#returns#Korea#Dalap-Uliga-Darrit!

Get Fit
Dancing with Rita and a walk later.  What are your plans for the holiday weekend?  I hope you will be moving, as in swimming, kayaking, hiking and whatever else sounds like fun to you.  Holidays are the best for spending time with family and making new memories, oh, and eating.  Watch what you eat - try to stay healthy!

Get Faith
Psalm 23:3  "He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake." The study writer mentions how God can show up on our path and lead us to where we need to be.  I am looking for a new path right now and waiting for that door to open.  He has never failed me before.

On this day
1980  was a Monday.  Chris was out west on vacation.  I think this might have been when they took a camper and their two nephews on an interesting trip.  It was an eye opener, they didn't have kids.  My friend Patrick loaned my his van while he worked on my car - still a good friend that looks after me.  I stopped at Eastland (closing now) to pick up a wedding present for my cousin Darrel and Robin and went to their wedding.  They are divorced and both remarried others now.  Wish we could get rebates on our gifts, what do you think?  Oh, maybe not I would have two weddings worth of gifts to return, nevermind.

1894 - Korea declared independence from China and asked for Japanese aid. One Korea now split and North Korea now at odds with the rest of the world.  

Cairns Australia to Dalap-Uliga-Darrit
Capital and largest city of the Marshall Islands.
Due North east of here to our new location!  See you there!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Emily and Kaitlyn!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

June 29, 2017 Thursday #legs#fromarib#StHelen#Tea#exports!

Get Fit
Dancers legs - wouldn't we all like to have those.  It may be improbable at this point in my life but I like the feeling that my legs will support me and keep a decent shape to them.  These are jumping jacks, stretches, squats and lunges.  Do what you can on a regular basis and see the difference.

Get Faith
Psalm 139:13-14  " For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made: your works are wonderful, I know that full well."  The human body is amazing.  No one has been able to recreate something as beautiful and operable as the body.  It can do amazing things in sports and arts. Our brains can create mind blowing inventions and creations of its own.  It can heal itself and it can take another life.  It is strong and it is weak often at the same time.  When you hold a newborn baby you marvel at that new life and what it holds in store for the future.  God created this from a rib, mud with His own hands, and gave it life - to live with Him.  We should remember and be thankful to Him.

On this day
1979  It was coming up on the 4th of July celebration and I went up to St Helen with Andy and Adele and the girls.  Merri would have been 2 and Lindsey had jut been born in April.  We had cousins down the road from the cabin, Tom and Cathy and they came over for dinner, shish ka bob that I made.  A lot has changed since then so it is nice to remember.

1767 - The British Parliament approved the Townshend Revenue Acts. The acts imposed import duties on glass, lead, paint, paper and tea shipped to America. Tea was the big deal I believe.

Cairns Australia
Last day here how about some souvenirs?  Here are the top exports.
  1. Ores, slag, ash: US$48.9 billion (25.8% of total exports)
  2. Mineral fuels including oil: $47.5 billion (25.1%)
  3. Gems, precious metals: $15.8 billion (8.4%)
  4. Meat: $8.3 billion (4.4%)
  5. Cereals: $5.1 billion (2.7%)
  6. Machinery including computers: $4.9 billion (2.6%)
  7. Inorganic chemicals: $4.7 billion (2.5%)
  8. Optical, technical, medical apparatus: $2.9 billion (1.5%)
  9. Aluminum: $2.9 billion (1.5%)
  10. Electrical machinery, equipment: $2.7 billion (1.4%)
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

June 28, 2017 Wednesday #weighted#loveoneanother#Putinbay#allequal!#explore!

Get Fit
Hot5 Workout of the Week – Show Off Your Arms  Here are a few things to keep you in shape!  You can do it!!!

Get Faith
John 15:17  (Jesus said) "These things I command you, that you love one another."  The study writer mentions praying for one another can be powerful.  A prayer to God for ourselves is always heard but I am sure those we offer for one another carry special blessings.  I pray for all those I know and don't know every day, with special prayers for my friends and family, this makes it all worth while, to remember that we pray in love for one another.

On this day
1978 After work I went home packed and grocery shopped and got ready to be gone all weekend, Pete and I were leaving for Put in Bay the next day.  There were years early on when he went by himself on the 3 day summer weekends - till I started making my own plans and he decided to take me with him.  Have you been to the Bay for a holiday?  in the 70's?  Now it is much calmer due to enforced policing.  Still a great place to vacation, on a boat or by car!

1978 - The U.S. Supreme Court ordered the medical school at the University of California at Davis to admit Allan Bakke. Bakke, a white man, argued he had been a victim of reverse racial discrimination. yep this happens too.

Cairns Australia
Cairns Virtual Tour 
If you won't get to explore beyond Cairns, that's OK! There's still plenty to do in the CBD to keep you entertained. Stroll along the Esplanade for a stack of activities both day and night, plus there's dining, shopping and golf to be done! Read our guide to the Cairns CBD.  Getting ready to leave here!  Get some sun!! Shop!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  HappyBirthday Maddie!!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

June 27, 2017 Tuesday #calories#lovingkindness#letitgo#DearAnn#souvenir!

Get Fit
These burn fat exercise videos are a joke.  I have been doing this video for maybe 15 years and if I have lost a pound it is a surprise.  The workout is ok for cardiac, I just don't see the weight loss.  What about you?  Have you found a way to lose weight other than cutting back on calories?  Nope, me neither.

Get Faith
Jeremiah 31:3  "I have loved you, O my people, with an everlasting love: with loving kindness I have drawn you to me."  God, here in the old testament book of Jeremiah is speaking to the people of Israel.  After all the straying and grief that is told in the Bible that the Israelites did, He still loved His people and pleaded with them to stay with him.  In Jesus Christ we have new forgiveness from the Father.  We are included in the plea from God to stay with Him.  Who doesn't want everlasting love?

On this day
1977  ok, I messed up, yesterdays post was 1976.  I caught it because on this day in 1977 I was making pillows for the boat with "Sneaky Pete" on them and I thought "it couldn't have taken me 2 years.  No, just one.  Now I wonder what happened to those pillows.  They were probably transferred to the 46 footer he bought next.  I have never been a crafty or domesticated person, those pillows were a rarity. If his wife knew I made them they are for sure in the landfill. Ever wonder what happened to an item you put a lot of hours into and now have no idea what happened to it?  Let it go....Let it

1693 - "The Ladies' Mercury" was published by John Dunton in London. It was the first women's magazine and contained a "question and answer" column that became known as a "problem page." The Dear Ann column of long ago!

Cairns Australia

CAIRNS Australia CANVAS Map Cairns Queensland Poster City Map Cairns Queensland Art Print Cairns poster Cairns map art Poster Cairns map This would be a great souvenir!   Just the poster!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Celina!

Monday, June 26, 2017

June 26, 2017 Monday #yoga!#Godtheboss#boatremodel#politicas#Rainforest!

Sorry!  Life came between me and my computer once again and I missed yesterday!

Get Fit
Started my Monday morning off with a peaceful AM yoga.  Yes, I know I do this alot but it helps counteract the bad things I do to my body (yardwork and sitting too much).  When I get aches and pains and have to take Aleve or Advil to get through the day I know I'm getting too sedentary.

Get Faith
Colossians 3:23-24 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.  It is the Lord Christ you are serving."  We did a Bible study at church on the book, God at Work.  Pastor might have done the study based on the problems he knew I had at work.  One day I burst into his office in a fit of frenzy asking him "how can I get rid of this hate and anger I have for my boss?"  This helps.  Our job here on earth is to please God in all we do, our attitudes and character reflect Him.  When we respond in an ungodly manner to people our position as Christians becomes a joke.  You cannot be judged by people that have the same earthly problems and complaints that you do.  Yes we have to adhere to some policies, if we want the job and the pay but, we still work for God.

On this day
1975  Pete had a 1963 - 31 foot Chris Craft Sport Fisherman.  It was an old wooden boat that was great - except it didn't have a "real" head.  The toilet was in the v bunks and not easy to use.  So, Pete decided to build a stand up head, which meant tearing out the drive station in the salon, removing the dining table (that folded into a bed) and and throwing off the entire balance of the boat with the heavy mahogany that he had to use for the walls.  It was quite an effort but, I will say that Pete could do anything he put his mind to.  The boat was torn up all summer but it didn't stop us from using it. At first you just had to get used to the list?  If that's the word.  He fixed it though.  Anyone else have a boat remodeling story to tell?

1975 - Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a state of emergency due to "deep and widespread conspiracy." History does have a way of repeating itself, right?

Cairns Australia
What You Can Expect Rainforest Habitat Wildlife Sanctuary, Port Douglas Honored as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1988, Daintree National Park is a great destination for sampling the exceptional biodiversity of the Wet Tropics of Queensland. Your full-day adventure begins with pickup at your Cairns or Port Douglas hotel and a scenic drive north along the rugged Coral Sea coast. Your first stop is Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas, an eco-park where you can observe the unique wildlife of Australia’s rainforest, wetlands and grasslands. Browse the well-designed habitats to observe cassowaries, koalas and crocodiles, and hand-feed friendly kangaroos and wallabies. 

Read more about Daintree Rainforest, Cape Tribulation and Rainforest Habitat Wildlife Sanctuary Day Tour 2017 - Cairns & the Tropical North at:  I actually talked to someone Saturday night that had toured this area and said it was amazing!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Michael!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

June 24, 2017 Saturday#sunshine#rewards#Dadsface#shantytown#cakes!!!

Get Fit
Going to work today so maybe get some activity in later!  Such a beautiful day to be outside, get some fresh air and sunshine!

Get Faith
Matthew 5:7-9  (This from the beatitudes) "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.  Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons(and daughters) of God.  These are the rewards that God promises us in the new Testament.  Lasting and important things, mercy, blessing, and a place with God in His family.  Eternal gifts.

On this day
an excerpt from 1968 "went for contract application - looks good.  Over to Quality, Mark (brother) for ride.  Don called over  Uncle Hanks  ride tin the boat with Pat & Dennis  films from 1956  Dad in them."   So,  I applied for my mortgage to buy my first home.  I was 21 and my brother Mark was 11.  I took him with me a lot, not sure I took him to my uncles though.  My Uncle Hank and my fiancee Don took to each other quickly.  They were both carpenters and loved their Harleys.  They had the old films of the family and here I got to see my Dad's face (after 8 years of him being passed)  It was much like seeing the face of God to me I think.  Do you have old family films you like to watch occasionally?  Check out the old hair styles and clothes and stupid smiles on the kids faces?  Love it.

1968 - "Resurrection City," a shantytown constructed as part of the Poor People's March on Washington D.C., was closed down by authorities. Anyone remember this, I kind of do.

Cairns Australia  cuisine
Panna cotta lamington cake with strawberry jam


Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  hAPPY bIRTHDAY kATHY

Friday, June 23, 2017

June 23, 2017 Friday #camelballet#rewards#friends!#BBQshrimpplease!

Get Fit
Male ballet dancers learn the art of dancing on their toes That's me in the middle doing my ballet exercises.  Ok  just kidding but these guys have the art right!  (Is that a camel)?

Get Faith
Psalm 143:10 "Help me to do your will, for you are my God.  Lead me in good paths, for your Spirit is good."  The study writer again, mentions Joseph and his situation in Egypt with Potiphar.  The emphasis is on God saving Joseph and Joseph is rewarded with power, position and wealth for his service.  I can't help but think how this is different than the stories in the Gospel where we are rewarded in a different way. What do you think about that?

On this day
2016  I was working 7 days a week last year for my friend Pat.  I loved the work and the people but it was pretty strenuous for me.  Then!  Along comes my friends.  On this day Judy called and said Phil was cooking something yummy for dinner and would I come and join them.  Well, I know what a great cook Phil is and would have been stupid to turn the offer down.  Make time for your friends and enjoy their company when you can, it is rejuvenating!

1683 - William Penn signed a friendship treaty with Lenni Lenape Indians in Pennsylvania. I'll bet they had dinner together!!

Cairns Australia
Although Australia did take some time to establish its own cuisine, we guarantee you that the food will be one of the highlights of your Down Under experience. Modern Australian cuisine has been praised by critics worldwide for its diversity, superb quality, and inventiveness. Emphasis is on the use of top quality fresh produce, and the trend is towards low-salt, low-fat healthy cuisine incorporating lean meat and lightly cooked vegetables.
63_1_1438959537BBQ Shrimp!  Sounds good!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Thursday, June 22, 2017

June 22, 2017 Thursday #diet/exercise#lovingkindness#joyandstorms#rockclimbing

Get Fit
copied from Google
Welcome to my Community! I explain in this video how I lost 80 lbs and have kept it off. I've gone from surviving to thriving! I am now paying it forward as a health coach, so please let me know if you want to chat about it. I was obese for a long time, but have learned how to maintain good health. I'd love to help you!!

Contact me in the comments below or message me on Facebook at  This might work for you  take a look!

Get Faith
Psalm 36:5   "Your lovingkindness, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness reaches to the skies."  As God gives to us so we should also give back to Him and others - lovingkindness to others and faithfulness to Him.  The study writer talked about the story of Joseph and how his brothers got rid of him.  The part that I took in was where Joseph made matters worse by tattling on his brothers and sharing a dream he had that he would rule over them.  So they ditched him.  We know what happened to Joseph had to happen for history sake, but, that smart boy should have been more careful with his tongue.  He was not sharing lovingkindness with his brothers, and look what happened.

On this day
2015  Was a busy day.  I went to St Thomas with Sue U. to help her with a Lifebuilders summer camp for kids.  We had a great time, I really enjoyed it.  Sue was a teacher and so came up with great ideas to keep the kids engaged and help teach the lesson.  I think I enjoyed the events more than the kids!  It ended at 3 and I drove out to Christ Lutheran to give blood and had to drive home in a serious thunderstorm.  I actually love watching summer thunderstorms role in, watch the light show and smell the rain - but from my garage in a comfy chair.  It is like being in the storm without getting wet.

1558 - The French took the French town of Thionville from the English. It was right on the border and apparently hot property -  maybe they had good wine there!

Cairns Australia  go here for some great pictures!  This is probably a rock climbing I could handle!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable Happy Birthday Janet Katelyn and Alex!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

June 21, 2017 Wednesday #stretch#calm#friends#ninth#Jafflehead!*HappySummer!

Get Fit
There are a lot of stretching exercises out there and I have found most of them go back to the basic stretches that have been used forever.  Pilates and yoga are incorporated into many programs now and it all makes for better comfort for getting ready to exercise and also for soothing sore muscles after.  Find a site you like.

Get Faith
Psalm 63:7  "Because you are my help,  I sing in the shadow of your wings."  My calm place is laying at my Saviors feet.  That thought calms me and reminds me that He is my help and He comforts me.

On this day
2013  My friend Chris was on her way to Toronto and stopped in my neighborhood to go out for lunch with me.  We went to Brownies but it could have been Travis Burger or wherever.  We can dig into a  million conversations wherever we are.  That was three years ago but, two years ago I met her at Port Huron and went into Toronto with her.  We always find a way to keep in touch.  Love you Xana.

1788 - The U.S. Constitution went into effect when New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify it. did they need a quorum?  

Cairns Australia cuisine
$, Fast Food, Cafe, Australian
These look like interesting 

Enjoy the day!  
Make it memorable!

Bang and Grind
Bang and Grind         

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

June 20, 2017 Tuesday #eathealthy#angels#saved#good/bad#Eden!

Get Fit
PhotoGood health is all about eating right.  Check this.

Get Faith
Psalm 91:11  "For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.  In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone."  To think that God would send an angel to even protect you from stubbing your toe is amazing.  That is what it literally says.  The Bible mentions many occurrences of angels helping, guiding, protecting and visiting people on earth. I know many people that feel they have had contact with angels and of course God uses us everyday to be His angels on earth.  They will "keep you in all your ways."  Thing about that today and thank Him for His angels.

On this day
2011  I went to work with a bad pain in my abdomen.  After a few hours it was unbearable so I took a bid to the city for a job we wanted and then drove to St John's ER.  I was admitted with an abcess in my intestine and spent the second week in the hospital of this year, I had already been there once for this.  They wanted to do surgery but I said to hold off till the end of the construction season because I didn't want to lose my job.  They put a drain in and gave me huge doses of antibiotics to keep me going.  "Those who hope in the Lord will regain their strength"  That and the angels got me through this long summer.  Have you experienced angels helping you? or visiting?

1793 - Eli Whitney applied for a cotton gin patent. He received the patent on March 14. The cotton gin initiated the American mass-production concept. This was a blessing to the industry and probably to the many who spent their lives breaking their backs doing this, but were then forced to find other work.  

Cairns Australia

Vibrant fauna and flora, race you there!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Ron John Ken Karen and Isaiah!!!

Monday, June 19, 2017

June 19, 2017 Monday#Abs#fearHell#goodneighbors#failed#coastlinetour!

Get Fit
I worked out the abs today, after sitting a lot this weekend (long drives and wedding) I needed to tend to my lower back and abs does that for me.  The other thing I noticed is when I read about other peoples symptoms I often identify and begin to think I have that problem too.  DON"T DO THAT!  Keep moving!

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 8:12  "It will be well with those who fear God."  Fear of  fire, fear of water, fear of heights, fear of illness are a few things we are afraid of.  It is healthy fear that keeps us from burning ourselves or drowning, falling and not taking care of our health.  Fear of God is the same.  Yes, he can and has brought havoc to people and the earth in the past, he has rained down hail and brimstone, but now, after our Savior came to mend the problems we had, God has forgiven us.  Should you still be afraid of Him?  I think so.  We should be afraid that not staying close, loving and worshiping Him can mean separation from Him and to me, that would be Hell.  I pray that He keeps me close so I don't have to fear being separated from Him.

On this day
2010  It was a Saturday and I was still working for a living.  You know how it is, on Saturday you have to spend your entire day on chores and errands.  I used to get Mom in the car and take her with me to the store, by church to drop off newspaper in the recycling can, Pet Supplies etc. and of course we always stopped for lunch.  My neighbors Ty  and Shannon, were off somewhere and asked me to let their lab Dewey out for them.  I loved Dewey and would have gladly paid them for the opportunity but they brought steaks over later that day for mine and Mom's dinner.  Love thy neighbor!  

1586 - English colonists sailed away from Roanoke Island, NC, after failing to establish England's first permanent settlement in America. Question, was it already known as Roanoke Island? meaning that someone else had already settled it?  Was there already a "permanent" settlement there?  So many questions.  I guess we have to read the book.

Cairns Australia
Lets drive the coast today and see the sights!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy birthday June!!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

June 18, 2017 Sunday #praytoheal#rejoined#freedom#Aussiefood!

Get Fit
As you strive to obtain better health, be sure to also pray for God's healing. Faith without works is dead, so let your works not just be physical, but also spiritual. Get close to God. #GodHeals This was posted under Balance my being on Google. thought it was appropriate!

Get Faith
Psalm 126:5 "Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy." The study writer related a story of a woman who lost 4 daughters when the boat they were on sunk. She alone survived. She sent a message to her husband , the father, "saved alone". It does make sense of this passage from the Bible. If you are remembering the loss of someone, possibly a Dad today, the tears you have shed will be wiped away by God himself when the reaping occurs.

On this day
2009 At what point in your life did computer repairman enter your phone book, phone, favorite numbers? On this day I had the guy that fixed our computers at Clancy come and clean my computer from virus's . It wasn't the first time I needed help or the last. I wonder when it will be as convenient as the corner garage, or hopefully a 24 hour guy. Maybe there already is. What good is an online help center if getting on line is the problem, like calling for help when your phone doesn't work, or picking up parts for your car, when it isn't running?

2009 - Greenland assumed control over its law enforcement, judicial affairs, and natural resources from the Kingdom of Denmark. Greenlandic became the official language. Really just 8 years ago?

Cairns Australia
Australia's diverse landscapes produce an incredibly wide variety of alluring produce.
There's a freedom and creativity to our dining scene that promotes fresh and innovative flavours, and often draws on native Australian ingredients as well as multicultural cuisines. This is paired with world-class wines sourced from more than 60 wine regions across the country. But what really sets us apart is our fantastic weather and outstanding natural scenery. You can enjoy some of the world's best food and wine in some of the most scenic locations on Earth. Australia does open air dining like nowhere else.
Looks good shall we?
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Fathers Day and Happy Birthday Annaliese, Emilio and Leslie!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

June 17, 2017 Saturday#Russianyoga#wedding#patiobase#GreatBarrierReef!

Get Fit
PhotoThis was titled Russian yoga, man they are tough.

Get Faith
Ephesians 5:31 "A man must leave his father and mother when he marries so that he can be perfectly joined to his wife, and the two shall be one.".  This was the reading for today, as I prepare to drive across the state to attend a wedding on a beach for Rachelle and Ryan.  Although we have not been as close in recent years Rachelle has always been special to me.  She is a remarkable young woman that has achieved great things in her 28 years and now has found the love of her life.  I am so happy for them and wish them all the happiness they can possibly have.  Congratulations Rachelle.

On this day
2004  I should try and remember all the good things my boss did for me.  On this day Jay dropped off a load of 21A the equivalent of crushed concrete "sand".  I was redoing my patio and needed a good base.  It was about 2 yards and if you ever shoveled crushed concrete you know how hard it was to move with a shovel.  My friend Kris and Roxanne came over and helped.  The hardest part was setting those heavy patio squares.  Thirteen years later it is still holding.

1579 - Sir Francis Drake claimed San Francisco Bay for England. (CaliforniaI wonder if they would like it back now with the fires, droughts, mud slides and flooding?

Cairns Australia
Cruise Michaelmas Cay 
Visit the Great Barrier Reef in style on board Ocean Spirit, a 32 metre (105 foot), high-performance catamaran. It sails daily from Cairns to Michaelmas Cay. You can dive and snorkel the reef among the turtles and colourful fish, lie on the deck and soak up the sun or enjoy a glass-bottomed boat tour. Michaelmas Cay is also home to more than 23 species of seabird and is one of the most significant bird sanctuaries on the Great Barrier Reef. this sounds great!  Want to go?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Friday, June 16, 2017

June 16, 2017 Friday#lookgood#donotfear#memories/flowers#Vandals#Nemo/reef!

Get Fit
Aerobics and weights this morning.  I impress my neighbor, she comes over and I'm still in my workout clothes.  She needs a ride to the middle school for her son's 8th grade graduation and I'm like "good thing I have tinted windows on my car'.  :)

Get Faith
Isaiah 41:10  "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed , for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  I believe that His "righteous right hand" is Jesus and Isaiah was privy to all information ahead of time.  How lucky was Isaiah to have this inside information to the future, and how empowered he must have felt.  We too have this information to not be afraid to reach out and grab our own faith and all that it gives us, our strength to serve, love and glorify the Lord.  You know the Gospel and the promise we have in our Saviour, the right hand of God, do not fear!

On this day
2002 - It was a Sunday and it was fathers day.  Mom came over with flowers to plant in the yard.  We must have been getting a late start, we usually did this for Mothers day.  Then we went to the cemetery to "see" Dad.  I always clean up around the graves because it is a small cemetery next to the old church that my Mom went to as a kid.  Now they are both there.  I miss doing all these  little things with Mom, but Nicole came with me on Mothers day.  I wish my Dad had known Nicole, he would have loved her, and his other granddaughters as well.  I hope Mom is giving him all the stories that he missed.

0455 - Rome was sacked by the Vandal army. The origination of the word vandalism?  Maybe!

Cairns Australia
Leap from Cairns into the World Heritage wonders of the Great Barrier Reef and the Daintree Rainforest. Relax in the resorts of Port Douglas and Mission Beach or on Lizard Island. Take the old railway to Kuranda, or follow the Great Tropical Drive to white water rivers and the Atherton Tablelands. Head north to Cape Tribulation or take the Savannah Way for an outback journey.
Look its little Nemo waiting for us!  Let's go!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Shakira!!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

June 15, 2017 Thursday#Abs&arms#special#sealSTAY!#Fly!

Get Fit
Time to work out those abs and arms.  Circuit training with sets of weight training on arms interspersed with on the floor sit ups and ab workouts.  For me just getting up and down between sets can be a workout.  Keep moving!

Get Faith
Titus 3:4-5  "But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy."  We are all sinners. If we loaded a gun and went out and shot people, we can still be forgiven and saved.  If we have hated anyone or thought bad of anyone, if we passed by the poor or sick and did nothing, or if we neglected to worship our God and spread his Word and love to those around us - we have sinned.   And God in his infinite mercy and endless knowledge of us won't let us perish.  He sent our Savior to die for our sins (that we do on a daily basis) to save us to be with him in the next life, because He is kind and merciful and loving to us. He is a reflection of all people or all ages, races, sizes and ethnicity.  He claims all politicians, rulers and hierarchy.  We are not more special than someone else to Him, but we are ALL special to Him.  Our God is an awesome God!!

On this day
2001  I went to a few different stores to pick up the Macomb Daily that came out on this day.  Not too often your child's picture is on the front page of the sports section.  She was in full mid-air in front of the volleyball net making a save that brought the heading MCCARTHY SHINES FOR CAVS!!
in Southlakes loss to Dexter, was the end of the sentence.  It said she had kept the team in the divisional game which ended in defeat.  I was so proud and had to send the article with picture to anyone that didn't get the Macomb Daily.  As fun as all that was with all the praise and acknowledgement she got for her sports, what she does now at Stoney Lake Camp is so much more heroic!  God bless you Nicole! from your adoring mother.

 1215 - King John of England put his seal on the Magna Carta. How long can you keep a seal on your magna carta?  I guess till you run out of sardines?

Cairns Australia


Cairns Marina.
Cairns International Airport is 7 km (4 mi) north of Cairns City between the CBD and the Northern Beaches.
The domestic terminal at Cairns Airport underwent an extensive redevelopment which began in 2007 and was completed in 2010.
The airport has a domestic terminal, an international terminal, and a general aviation area. The airport handles international flights, and flights to major Australian cities, tourist destinations, and regional destinations throughout North Queensland. It is an important base for general aviation serving the Cape York Peninsula and Gulf of Carpentaria communities. The Cairns airport is also a base for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

June 14, 2017 Wednesday#Dance!#Eyeontheprize#Momcrazy#Brucehwy!

Get Fit
Richard and I had a dance this morning.  Fool yourself into exercising if you need to to.  Planning on some yard work today, which is always a good workout!  Are you getting your steps in on your fitbit?  Not you Nicole, I know you are adding up steps like crazy at camp, more in one day than I do all week.  The rest of you!  Keep moving, get that walk in!

Get Faith
Proverbs 4:25-27  "Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you.  Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm.  Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil."  I like to refer to Proverbs as your mother's handbook.  After working on my lawn to repair the damage from the water line installation, the part about "make level paths" hits home with me. It is my mantra for the day.  I think King Solomon, credited with being wise and writing the Book of Proverbs meant something deeper than my lawn work.  I translate this as "keep your eye on the prize", a good path follower now, will find the treasure (heaven) at the end of the journey.  It will also help you to traverse this earthly path that can be dangerous. (Even a baseball field)  Sorry if I got the song stuck in your head. (not)

On this day
2000  Nicole went to a regional soccer game with the Nieto family.  It was quite a distance, maybe in the Palace area.  Jameson played soccer and even played in a program that took him to Europe.  Nicole starting playing high school soccer this year I believe.  Anyway it was a late game and my mother head sprung into action.  There had recently been a horrific crash after a sporting event in which a family with many young people in the car were all killed.  When Nicole didn't get home at the time I thought she would - I paced and cried and stared out the window to the driveway and of course prayed, for two hours.  I was convinced there had been a tragedy.  Of course, all was well.  Moms?  Ever had this happen?  I know I'm not the only one.  This was the worse case I ever had.  We didn't all have phones then, which, resolves a lot now.

1775 - The Continental Army was founded by the Second Continental Congress for purposes of common defense. This event is considered to be the birth of the United States Army. On June 15, George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief. The birthday of our armed forces.  Do you consider this event good or bad?  

Cairns Australia


The Bruce Highway in Cairns southern suburbs at morning peak hour.
The Bruce Highway runs for 1,700 km (1,056 mi) from Brisbane, and terminates in the Cairns CBD. From there the Captain Cook Highway (also referred to as the Cook Highway) commences, and runs for approximately 76 km (47 mi) northwest to Mossman.
A need for future upgrades to the Bruce Highway to motorway standards through the southern suburbs to Gordonvale has been identified in regional planning strategies to cope with increasing congestion from rapid population growth. This will result in overpasses at all major intersections from Woree to Gordonvale. The motorway will divert from Bentley Park to Gordonvale, bypassing Edmonton to reduce the effects of road noise on residential areas.[61]    Does this make you feel better about our roads and construction.  It is a necessary

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Betty! Christina, Krista & Bruce!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

June 13, 2017 Tuesday #Pilates#Love#summerfun#Henry!#sugarcane!

Get Fit
Pilates, I know I do this alot.  It is just SO good for my back I actually pull this video out of order and do it more often.  If you know I am OCD you understand how serious this is.  It also lengthens those legs by stretching and lifting them and who doesn't want those long straight legs?  It's summer go for it!  Or swim.

Get Faith
Matthew 25:40  "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers (and sisters) of mine, you did for me." Jesus said these words as recorded by Matthew here.  I know people that keep  bags with granola bars and water bottles in the car for people begging on street corners.  I know people that go on mission trips, everywhere, to serve and help others.  I know people that pray for others, everyday.  I know people that visit shut ins, send notes and birthday cards and deliver food to those in need of attention.  All this answers the request from our Savior to serve and care for one another.  I know people that resist admitting they help others, but they do and God knows it.

On this day
1998  "baseball practice - rained out -  Downtown St Clair Shores days at 9 and Mack.  Nicole on her rollerblades, Mom and I went (not on rollerblades)  Saw Aunt Annie there.  Later we went to Ty and Norma's for BBQ."  We seldom cancelled practice so it must have been a thunderstorm which apparently cleared up.  I think all cities have their own neighborhood events that give you a chance to see what's happening in your neighborhood and catch up with people you haven't seen in a while.  We saw my Aunt Annie, which was always a happy moment for me, I did visit with her relatively often though.  This also brings to mind how much time I spent with my dear friends Ty and Norma, somehow even closer than family, because we choose our time together, not out of expectation.  Enjoy your summer!  Get out there to the events you like!

1415 - Henry the Navigator, the prince of Portugal, embarked on an expedition to Africa. He found something to do on his summer vacay!

Cairns Australia

Industry and agriculture[edit]

The land around Cairns is still used for sugar cane farming, although this land is increasingly under pressure from new suburbs as the city grows. Within the Cairns City Council area there is a sugar mill at Gordonvale.
The Barron Gorge Hydroelectric Power Station is located nearby on the lower Barron River, and provides green power for some of the city's needs.   Well they are running our of farming area but becoming more eco friendly with electric power.  Have to have a balance, right?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Rachelle, Jeff and Dan!

Monday, June 12, 2017

June 12, 2017 Monday#applecidervinegar#kindness#skates&cleats#shop!

Get fit
I am sure you have heard of the many ways apple cider vinegar can benefit you.  There are remedies for leg cramps, skin, aches and illness.  You can also use it for many household purposes.  It is a natural product with many advantages.  I remember my mom saying her brother Ted used to drink a glass of it every morning. (This was back in the 30's)  Go on line and check it out!  Maybe you will find it useful for what ails you!

Get Faith
Psalm 117:2  "For His merciful kindness is great toward us, and the truth of the Lord endures forever.  Praise the Lord!"  An act of kindness, where you make a point of being kind to someone, pay for their food, open a door, carry groceries, even a smile can be worth so much to someone that doesn't get them.  A pat on the back is kindness to someone that needs reassuring or affirmation.  The great hug can cure a broken heart, heal loneliness and bring love to someone that needs it.  Be kind today - give it away to everyone, pass it around - it's free!  That's the truth.  (Brought to you by God himself)

On this day
1997  It was Nicole's last day of school and they went to Shores Skateland to celebrate.  Those were the days of rollerblades, I think, and Nicole and her friends spent a lot of time playing street hockey with them on.  After I got home from work Nicole had a softball game, a scrimmage against the Royals that they won 25 to 4, followed by ice cream.  Sounds like a great day huh Nicole? Summer!

1997 - Interleague play began in baseball, ending a 126-year tradition of separating the major leagues until the World Series. This was a little out of our league, lol.  

Cairns Australia


Several shopping centres of various sizes are located throughout Cairns. The largest of these are Cairns Central shopping centre, located in the central business district, and Stockland Cairns, located in the suburb of Earlville. In Westcourt, one of the city's oldest shopping centres has been refurbished, with the city's first DFO.[57][58] To service the needs of suburbs further from the city centre, shopping complexes are also located at Mount Sheridan, Redlynch, Smithfield, and Clifton Beach.
In 2010, the state government opened the second stage of William McCormack Place, an A$80 million office building credited as the first 6-star green star-rated building in the city.[59] Shall we shop today?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Ty! 

Sunday, June 11, 2017

June 11, 2017 Sunday #meditate#thefaceofGod#Jack'srace#Cairnstourism!

Get Fit
Today being a day of rest, I suggest you spend this day relaxing and absorbing the fresh air, the birds singing, a gentle breeze and the fresh smell of summer. Do this from a comfortable shaded chair for  as long as you are capable of sitting and meditate on the beauty of the earth and life.  Commit all of this sensation to memory so that next winter when its grey and cold you can put your feet up and close your eyes and come back to this beautiful day.  Enjoy!

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 13:12  "We can see and understand only a little about God now, as if we were peering at his reflection in a poor mirror; but someday we are going to see him in his completeness, face to face...Then I will see everything clearly, just as clearly as God sees into my heart right now."  When I read this I think how important it is for us to strengthen our faith so that we can understand more about God and His plan for us in heaven, how we can be with Him for eternity, living in the joy of His presence.  I trust that it will be exactly what I want and believe it to be.  Our God is an awesome God!  He reigns in heaven above!

On this day
1994 There was an offshore race at Jack's here on Lake St Clair.  I took the kids to see the boats and some of the people that they had been around all of their lives because Mark and I were involved in racing.  It isn't the same being a spectator but it is still exciting!  VARROOOM

1770 - Captain James Cook discovered the Great Barrier Reef off of Australia when he ran aground.  This happened a few times in offshore racing too.

Cairns Australia


Tourism plays a major part in the Cairns economy. According to Tourism Australia, the Cairns region is the fourth-most-popular destination for international tourists in Australia after Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.[52] While the city does not rank amongst Australia's top 10 destinations for domestic tourism, it attracts a significant number of Australian holiday makers despite its distance from major capitals.[53] There is also a growing interest in Cairns from the Chinese leisure market with occasional direct flights from Chinese cities such as Shanghai and Guangzhou. During the 2013 Chinese Lunar New Year period alone, Cairns saw 20,000 Chinese holidaymakers flying in on chartered flights.[54]
The city is near the Great Barrier Reef, the Wet Tropics of Queensland, and the Atherton Tableland.
The Cairns esplanade includes a swimming lagoon with adjoining barbecue areas. In May 2003, the then Cairns Mayor Kevin Byrne declared that topless sunbathing is permitted here, as the area is a gathering point for people from around the world who may wish to do so.[55][56]
 The night life sounds good! and oh the beach!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, June 10, 2017

June 10, 2017 Saturday#Summertime#forgiven!#blankpage#oldbug#democracy!

Get Fit
In the summer time we are generally more fit because we are more active.  Even if you are just doing yard work you are spending more time outside in the fresh air, getting some vitamin D from the sun and without your knowledge using muscles you haven't used all winter.  Keep that back strong by doing some sit ups so you don't hurt yourself lifting those 40 lb bags of dirt. Make sure you stretch before taking a walk or run, keep yourself safe from over doing it.  Enjoy the beautiful weather!  Drink water.  Happy summer!

Get Faith
Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, let us settle the matter , says the Lord.  Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool."  Isaiah, a prophet of the old testament, was told by God that the Savior would come.  He prophesied in the old testament about the promise of the Christ and this is one of them.  Isaiah told the people that their sins would be forgiven in an age old ritual of shedding blood to get forgiveness.  Our forgiveness is in the shedding of the blood of Jesus the Christ.  You are clean as the fallen snow, washed free of sin.  Thank you Jesus.

On this day
1993  My journal was a blank page on this day.  It was not a good year, my husband and I were going separate ways and I was majorly concerned about how I was going to keep my house going and take care of Nicole. I had not worked a full time job in 8 years and would have to find gainful employment.  He was not working and going through some serious changes so I knew it would be totally on me to provide for us.  I was also losing my rights to Aaron, being his step mother and I knew that would be horrific to Nicole.  Those are days you don't want to remember and so you don't write anything down.  I do know we continued in church, we continued during this time to play softball for the city league.  I know the rest of the family rallied around us and kept life as solid as it always was for Nicole and Aaron, and it all worked out.  God stepped in and strengthened us for the fight ahead and we were fine.  Blank pages usually tell a bigger story.

1993 - It was announced by scientists that genetic material was extracted from an insect that lived when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.  And somethings remain the same.

Cairns Australia


'The Lagoon' on Cairns Esplanade at sunset.
Cairns is part of the Cairns Region local government area which is governed by a Regional Council. The Council consists of a directly elected mayor and 10 councillors, elected from 10 single-member divisions (or wards) using an optional preferential voting system. Elections are held every four years.
The Cairns Region consists of three former local government areas. The first was the original City of Cairns, consisting of the Cairns City region as listed above. The second, which was amalgamated in 1995, was the Shire of Mulgrave (comprising the other areas, namely the Northern Beaches, Redlynch Valley and Southside). The town of Gordonvale was once called Nelson. The third area is the Shire of Douglas, which amalgamated in 2008 during major statewide local government reforms.
At the time of the 1995 amalgamation, Cairns City had a population of approximately 40,000 and Mulgrave Shire had a population of approximately 60,000. Both local government authorities had chambers in the Cairns CBD. The old Cairns City Council chambers has been converted into a new city library. In a controversial decision,[49] new Council chambers were constructed on previously contaminated land in the mainly industrial suburb of Portsmith.
Cairns has three representatives in the Queensland Parliament, from the electoral districts of Barron RiverCairns and Mulgrave. The city is represented in the Federal Parliament by representatives elected from the districts of Leichhardt and Kennedy.  Sounds familiar, different names but the same basics.  Democracy.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!