Thursday, June 8, 2017

June 8, 2017 Thursday #Plank#Forgiven!#sickkids#conspiracy#foreshore!

Get Fit
Stretches squats and plank this morning, also a few yoga positions.  Going to the Tigers game today so I'll get some steps on my fitbit!  How are you doing with that extra walk everyday?  C'mon you can do it!

Get Faith
Roman's 5:20  "The more we see our sinfulness, the more we see God's abounding grace forgiving us."  If you think this is a spitting contest - you will lose.  We often feel like we have sinned ourselves too far from God to ever be received back into his arms.  We say "If I went into church the roof would cave in."  Ever heard that?  The sound of someone who thinks they are worse than God's love. Like the errant son, God welcomes, forgives and loves us, no matter what or how much we think can keep us from God.  His grace is huge!  ALL of your sins have been forgiven in Jesus Christ's death.

On this day
1988  When your three year old is sleeping on the couch and crying all day with a sore tummy and no food, it breaks your heart.  Both grandma's were checking in and even Joey, across the street, brought some of his toys over to cheer her up.  I took her to the ER and was dismissed by the doctor who said she had a little flu and an ear ache.  He patted me on the back.  Mark and Marty were off to Sarnia boat racing.  You never expect it to be more than "a little flu and an ear ache."  I see lots of Mom's posting on Facebook about sick kids and remember how you suffer when they suffer.

1988 - The judge in the Iran-Contra conspiracy case ruled that Oliver North, John Poindexter, Richard Secord and Albert Hakim had to be tried separately. Did they make a book about this? or movie?  They should.  Conspiracy and screw ups abounding!

Cairns Australia


Cairns, view of the foreshore.
The Mulgrave River running through the Goldsbrough Valley to the south of Gordonvale.
Cairns is located on the east coast of Cape York Peninsula on a coastal strip between the Coral Sea and the Great Dividing Range. The northern part of the city is located on Trinity Bay and the city centre is located on Trinity Inlet. To the south of the Trinity Inlet lies the Aboriginal community of Yarrabah. Some of the city's suburbs are located on flood plains. The Mulgrave River and Barron River flow within the greater Cairns area but not through the CBD. The city's centre foreshore is located on a mud flat.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Phil, Austin and Nancy H!

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