Thursday, June 15, 2017

June 15, 2017 Thursday#Abs&arms#special#sealSTAY!#Fly!

Get Fit
Time to work out those abs and arms.  Circuit training with sets of weight training on arms interspersed with on the floor sit ups and ab workouts.  For me just getting up and down between sets can be a workout.  Keep moving!

Get Faith
Titus 3:4-5  "But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy."  We are all sinners. If we loaded a gun and went out and shot people, we can still be forgiven and saved.  If we have hated anyone or thought bad of anyone, if we passed by the poor or sick and did nothing, or if we neglected to worship our God and spread his Word and love to those around us - we have sinned.   And God in his infinite mercy and endless knowledge of us won't let us perish.  He sent our Savior to die for our sins (that we do on a daily basis) to save us to be with him in the next life, because He is kind and merciful and loving to us. He is a reflection of all people or all ages, races, sizes and ethnicity.  He claims all politicians, rulers and hierarchy.  We are not more special than someone else to Him, but we are ALL special to Him.  Our God is an awesome God!!

On this day
2001  I went to a few different stores to pick up the Macomb Daily that came out on this day.  Not too often your child's picture is on the front page of the sports section.  She was in full mid-air in front of the volleyball net making a save that brought the heading MCCARTHY SHINES FOR CAVS!!
in Southlakes loss to Dexter, was the end of the sentence.  It said she had kept the team in the divisional game which ended in defeat.  I was so proud and had to send the article with picture to anyone that didn't get the Macomb Daily.  As fun as all that was with all the praise and acknowledgement she got for her sports, what she does now at Stoney Lake Camp is so much more heroic!  God bless you Nicole! from your adoring mother.

 1215 - King John of England put his seal on the Magna Carta. How long can you keep a seal on your magna carta?  I guess till you run out of sardines?

Cairns Australia


Cairns Marina.
Cairns International Airport is 7 km (4 mi) north of Cairns City between the CBD and the Northern Beaches.
The domestic terminal at Cairns Airport underwent an extensive redevelopment which began in 2007 and was completed in 2010.
The airport has a domestic terminal, an international terminal, and a general aviation area. The airport handles international flights, and flights to major Australian cities, tourist destinations, and regional destinations throughout North Queensland. It is an important base for general aviation serving the Cape York Peninsula and Gulf of Carpentaria communities. The Cairns airport is also a base for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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