Wednesday, June 7, 2017

June 7, 2017 Wednesday#muscles#learntrust#Monroeboatrace#Australiansourbrothers!

Get Fit
Tone and Stretch with Richard Simmons - legs, back, shoulders, arms - all with the resistance band, followed up with a strong abs workout and a cooldown.  I did the full 45 minutes this morning!  Do what you can, but do something!

Get Faith
Jeremiah 17:7  " Blessed is the man (or woman) who trusts in the Lord."  You need faith to trust in the Lord.  When you have spent time learning and praying with Jesus you begin to feel confident in His ability to care for you and THEN you will begin to put your trust in Him.  My mantra lately has been Isaiah 40:31 "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not be faint."  It has worked for me.  Put you hope and trust in the Lord.  Learn how if you don't know.

On this day
1986 - On a rare occasion Mark and I would go to a boat race without the kids.  This day Grandma Luvy, (the kids called her) came early so we could go to Monroe for the boat race in Lake Erie.  We went out on the patrol boat with Gordon and Donna, which was always exciting.  They had a 50' Catamaran that could keep up with the raceboats.  Monroe Boat Club was small but very friendly and we always had a good time.  Marty was racing in Oingo Boingo in those days.  The day started out foggy but cleared after a while.  Great racing memory, oh and video available!

1494 - Spain and Portugal divided the new lands they had discovered between themselves. One for you, one for me.......

Cairns Australia
During World War II, the Allied Forces used Cairns as a staging base for operations in the Pacific,[14] with US Army Air Force and Royal Australian Air Force operational bases (now the airport), as well as a major military seaplane base in Trinity Inlet, and US Navy and Royal Australian Navy bases near the current wharf. Combat missions were flown out of Cairns in support of the Battle of the Coral Sea in 1942. Edmonton and White Rock south of Cairns were major military supply areas and US Paratroopers trained at Gordonvale and the Goldsborough Valley.
A Special Forces training base was established at the old "Fairview" homestead on Munro's Hill, Mooroobool. This base was officially known as the Z Experimental Station,[15] but referred to informally as "The House on the Hill".  It always appeared to me that the Aussies and Americans were two of a kind as depicted in the war movies.  What do you think?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sara P!

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