Sunday, June 11, 2017

June 11, 2017 Sunday #meditate#thefaceofGod#Jack'srace#Cairnstourism!

Get Fit
Today being a day of rest, I suggest you spend this day relaxing and absorbing the fresh air, the birds singing, a gentle breeze and the fresh smell of summer. Do this from a comfortable shaded chair for  as long as you are capable of sitting and meditate on the beauty of the earth and life.  Commit all of this sensation to memory so that next winter when its grey and cold you can put your feet up and close your eyes and come back to this beautiful day.  Enjoy!

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 13:12  "We can see and understand only a little about God now, as if we were peering at his reflection in a poor mirror; but someday we are going to see him in his completeness, face to face...Then I will see everything clearly, just as clearly as God sees into my heart right now."  When I read this I think how important it is for us to strengthen our faith so that we can understand more about God and His plan for us in heaven, how we can be with Him for eternity, living in the joy of His presence.  I trust that it will be exactly what I want and believe it to be.  Our God is an awesome God!  He reigns in heaven above!

On this day
1994 There was an offshore race at Jack's here on Lake St Clair.  I took the kids to see the boats and some of the people that they had been around all of their lives because Mark and I were involved in racing.  It isn't the same being a spectator but it is still exciting!  VARROOOM

1770 - Captain James Cook discovered the Great Barrier Reef off of Australia when he ran aground.  This happened a few times in offshore racing too.

Cairns Australia


Tourism plays a major part in the Cairns economy. According to Tourism Australia, the Cairns region is the fourth-most-popular destination for international tourists in Australia after Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.[52] While the city does not rank amongst Australia's top 10 destinations for domestic tourism, it attracts a significant number of Australian holiday makers despite its distance from major capitals.[53] There is also a growing interest in Cairns from the Chinese leisure market with occasional direct flights from Chinese cities such as Shanghai and Guangzhou. During the 2013 Chinese Lunar New Year period alone, Cairns saw 20,000 Chinese holidaymakers flying in on chartered flights.[54]
The city is near the Great Barrier Reef, the Wet Tropics of Queensland, and the Atherton Tableland.
The Cairns esplanade includes a swimming lagoon with adjoining barbecue areas. In May 2003, the then Cairns Mayor Kevin Byrne declared that topless sunbathing is permitted here, as the area is a gathering point for people from around the world who may wish to do so.[55][56]
 The night life sounds good! and oh the beach!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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