Tuesday, June 20, 2017

June 20, 2017 Tuesday #eathealthy#angels#saved#good/bad#Eden!

Get Fit
PhotoGood health is all about eating right.  Check this.

Get Faith
Psalm 91:11  "For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.  In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone."  To think that God would send an angel to even protect you from stubbing your toe is amazing.  That is what it literally says.  The Bible mentions many occurrences of angels helping, guiding, protecting and visiting people on earth. I know many people that feel they have had contact with angels and of course God uses us everyday to be His angels on earth.  They will "keep you in all your ways."  Thing about that today and thank Him for His angels.

On this day
2011  I went to work with a bad pain in my abdomen.  After a few hours it was unbearable so I took a bid to the city for a job we wanted and then drove to St John's ER.  I was admitted with an abcess in my intestine and spent the second week in the hospital of this year, I had already been there once for this.  They wanted to do surgery but I said to hold off till the end of the construction season because I didn't want to lose my job.  They put a drain in and gave me huge doses of antibiotics to keep me going.  "Those who hope in the Lord will regain their strength"  That and the angels got me through this long summer.  Have you experienced angels helping you? or visiting?

1793 - Eli Whitney applied for a cotton gin patent. He received the patent on March 14. The cotton gin initiated the American mass-production concept. This was a blessing to the industry and probably to the many who spent their lives breaking their backs doing this, but were then forced to find other work.  

Cairns Australia

Vibrant fauna and flora, race you there!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Ron John Ken Karen and Isaiah!!!

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