Friday, June 23, 2017

June 23, 2017 Friday #camelballet#rewards#friends!#BBQshrimpplease!

Get Fit
Male ballet dancers learn the art of dancing on their toes That's me in the middle doing my ballet exercises.  Ok  just kidding but these guys have the art right!  (Is that a camel)?

Get Faith
Psalm 143:10 "Help me to do your will, for you are my God.  Lead me in good paths, for your Spirit is good."  The study writer again, mentions Joseph and his situation in Egypt with Potiphar.  The emphasis is on God saving Joseph and Joseph is rewarded with power, position and wealth for his service.  I can't help but think how this is different than the stories in the Gospel where we are rewarded in a different way. What do you think about that?

On this day
2016  I was working 7 days a week last year for my friend Pat.  I loved the work and the people but it was pretty strenuous for me.  Then!  Along comes my friends.  On this day Judy called and said Phil was cooking something yummy for dinner and would I come and join them.  Well, I know what a great cook Phil is and would have been stupid to turn the offer down.  Make time for your friends and enjoy their company when you can, it is rejuvenating!

1683 - William Penn signed a friendship treaty with Lenni Lenape Indians in Pennsylvania. I'll bet they had dinner together!!

Cairns Australia
Although Australia did take some time to establish its own cuisine, we guarantee you that the food will be one of the highlights of your Down Under experience. Modern Australian cuisine has been praised by critics worldwide for its diversity, superb quality, and inventiveness. Emphasis is on the use of top quality fresh produce, and the trend is towards low-salt, low-fat healthy cuisine incorporating lean meat and lightly cooked vegetables.
63_1_1438959537BBQ Shrimp!  Sounds good!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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