Tuesday, June 13, 2017

June 13, 2017 Tuesday #Pilates#Love#summerfun#Henry!#sugarcane!

Get Fit
Pilates, I know I do this alot.  It is just SO good for my back I actually pull this video out of order and do it more often.  If you know I am OCD you understand how serious this is.  It also lengthens those legs by stretching and lifting them and who doesn't want those long straight legs?  It's summer go for it!  Or swim.

Get Faith
Matthew 25:40  "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers (and sisters) of mine, you did for me." Jesus said these words as recorded by Matthew here.  I know people that keep  bags with granola bars and water bottles in the car for people begging on street corners.  I know people that go on mission trips, everywhere, to serve and help others.  I know people that pray for others, everyday.  I know people that visit shut ins, send notes and birthday cards and deliver food to those in need of attention.  All this answers the request from our Savior to serve and care for one another.  I know people that resist admitting they help others, but they do and God knows it.

On this day
1998  "baseball practice - rained out -  Downtown St Clair Shores days at 9 and Mack.  Nicole on her rollerblades, Mom and I went (not on rollerblades)  Saw Aunt Annie there.  Later we went to Ty and Norma's for BBQ."  We seldom cancelled practice so it must have been a thunderstorm which apparently cleared up.  I think all cities have their own neighborhood events that give you a chance to see what's happening in your neighborhood and catch up with people you haven't seen in a while.  We saw my Aunt Annie, which was always a happy moment for me, I did visit with her relatively often though.  This also brings to mind how much time I spent with my dear friends Ty and Norma, somehow even closer than family, because we choose our time together, not out of expectation.  Enjoy your summer!  Get out there to the events you like!

1415 - Henry the Navigator, the prince of Portugal, embarked on an expedition to Africa. He found something to do on his summer vacay!

Cairns Australia

Industry and agriculture[edit]

The land around Cairns is still used for sugar cane farming, although this land is increasingly under pressure from new suburbs as the city grows. Within the Cairns City Council area there is a sugar mill at Gordonvale.
The Barron Gorge Hydroelectric Power Station is located nearby on the lower Barron River, and provides green power for some of the city's needs.   Well they are running our of farming area but becoming more eco friendly with electric power.  Have to have a balance, right?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Rachelle, Jeff and Dan!

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