Thursday, June 22, 2017

June 22, 2017 Thursday #diet/exercise#lovingkindness#joyandstorms#rockclimbing

Get Fit
copied from Google
Welcome to my Community! I explain in this video how I lost 80 lbs and have kept it off. I've gone from surviving to thriving! I am now paying it forward as a health coach, so please let me know if you want to chat about it. I was obese for a long time, but have learned how to maintain good health. I'd love to help you!!

Contact me in the comments below or message me on Facebook at  This might work for you  take a look!

Get Faith
Psalm 36:5   "Your lovingkindness, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness reaches to the skies."  As God gives to us so we should also give back to Him and others - lovingkindness to others and faithfulness to Him.  The study writer talked about the story of Joseph and how his brothers got rid of him.  The part that I took in was where Joseph made matters worse by tattling on his brothers and sharing a dream he had that he would rule over them.  So they ditched him.  We know what happened to Joseph had to happen for history sake, but, that smart boy should have been more careful with his tongue.  He was not sharing lovingkindness with his brothers, and look what happened.

On this day
2015  Was a busy day.  I went to St Thomas with Sue U. to help her with a Lifebuilders summer camp for kids.  We had a great time, I really enjoyed it.  Sue was a teacher and so came up with great ideas to keep the kids engaged and help teach the lesson.  I think I enjoyed the events more than the kids!  It ended at 3 and I drove out to Christ Lutheran to give blood and had to drive home in a serious thunderstorm.  I actually love watching summer thunderstorms role in, watch the light show and smell the rain - but from my garage in a comfy chair.  It is like being in the storm without getting wet.

1558 - The French took the French town of Thionville from the English. It was right on the border and apparently hot property -  maybe they had good wine there!

Cairns Australia  go here for some great pictures!  This is probably a rock climbing I could handle!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable Happy Birthday Janet Katelyn and Alex!!

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