Wednesday, June 14, 2017

June 14, 2017 Wednesday#Dance!#Eyeontheprize#Momcrazy#Brucehwy!

Get Fit
Richard and I had a dance this morning.  Fool yourself into exercising if you need to to.  Planning on some yard work today, which is always a good workout!  Are you getting your steps in on your fitbit?  Not you Nicole, I know you are adding up steps like crazy at camp, more in one day than I do all week.  The rest of you!  Keep moving, get that walk in!

Get Faith
Proverbs 4:25-27  "Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you.  Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm.  Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil."  I like to refer to Proverbs as your mother's handbook.  After working on my lawn to repair the damage from the water line installation, the part about "make level paths" hits home with me. It is my mantra for the day.  I think King Solomon, credited with being wise and writing the Book of Proverbs meant something deeper than my lawn work.  I translate this as "keep your eye on the prize", a good path follower now, will find the treasure (heaven) at the end of the journey.  It will also help you to traverse this earthly path that can be dangerous. (Even a baseball field)  Sorry if I got the song stuck in your head. (not)

On this day
2000  Nicole went to a regional soccer game with the Nieto family.  It was quite a distance, maybe in the Palace area.  Jameson played soccer and even played in a program that took him to Europe.  Nicole starting playing high school soccer this year I believe.  Anyway it was a late game and my mother head sprung into action.  There had recently been a horrific crash after a sporting event in which a family with many young people in the car were all killed.  When Nicole didn't get home at the time I thought she would - I paced and cried and stared out the window to the driveway and of course prayed, for two hours.  I was convinced there had been a tragedy.  Of course, all was well.  Moms?  Ever had this happen?  I know I'm not the only one.  This was the worse case I ever had.  We didn't all have phones then, which, resolves a lot now.

1775 - The Continental Army was founded by the Second Continental Congress for purposes of common defense. This event is considered to be the birth of the United States Army. On June 15, George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief. The birthday of our armed forces.  Do you consider this event good or bad?  

Cairns Australia


The Bruce Highway in Cairns southern suburbs at morning peak hour.
The Bruce Highway runs for 1,700 km (1,056 mi) from Brisbane, and terminates in the Cairns CBD. From there the Captain Cook Highway (also referred to as the Cook Highway) commences, and runs for approximately 76 km (47 mi) northwest to Mossman.
A need for future upgrades to the Bruce Highway to motorway standards through the southern suburbs to Gordonvale has been identified in regional planning strategies to cope with increasing congestion from rapid population growth. This will result in overpasses at all major intersections from Woree to Gordonvale. The motorway will divert from Bentley Park to Gordonvale, bypassing Edmonton to reduce the effects of road noise on residential areas.[61]    Does this make you feel better about our roads and construction.  It is a necessary

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Betty! Christina, Krista & Bruce!

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