Wednesday, June 21, 2017

June 21, 2017 Wednesday #stretch#calm#friends#ninth#Jafflehead!*HappySummer!

Get Fit
There are a lot of stretching exercises out there and I have found most of them go back to the basic stretches that have been used forever.  Pilates and yoga are incorporated into many programs now and it all makes for better comfort for getting ready to exercise and also for soothing sore muscles after.  Find a site you like.

Get Faith
Psalm 63:7  "Because you are my help,  I sing in the shadow of your wings."  My calm place is laying at my Saviors feet.  That thought calms me and reminds me that He is my help and He comforts me.

On this day
2013  My friend Chris was on her way to Toronto and stopped in my neighborhood to go out for lunch with me.  We went to Brownies but it could have been Travis Burger or wherever.  We can dig into a  million conversations wherever we are.  That was three years ago but, two years ago I met her at Port Huron and went into Toronto with her.  We always find a way to keep in touch.  Love you Xana.

1788 - The U.S. Constitution went into effect when New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify it. did they need a quorum?  

Cairns Australia cuisine
$, Fast Food, Cafe, Australian
These look like interesting 

Enjoy the day!  
Make it memorable!

Bang and Grind
Bang and Grind         

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