Thursday, June 1, 2017

June 1, 2017 Thursday #liveto100#withoutfear#thankful#informed#relaxedtropicalclimate

Get Fit
I like to spoil myself on Thursdays, after working in the yard all week, I deserve it.  I did do a little Pilates today to make sure the back stays strong and the abs keep supporting the back.  Do you ever see the ads where they ask people how they managed to live to 100?  Answers are, ice cream everyday, one cigar a week, a glass of wine, a walk with my dog.  Take note!

Get Faith
Psalm 27:1  "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?"  We are all afraid to die.  We fear someone will take our life or make our lives horrible by taking things from us.  That is the norm for this life because it is a risky life we have here.  When you have faith in God and let Him light your days with his knowledge and presence you have something no one can take away from you.  It is an eternal gift that you fear not losing.  You can be strong and not afraid of life.

On this day
1980  - It took me a while to figure this entry in my journal out.  It said Dad put a new ceiling in the family room.  He did a lot of work on this house for me.  Mom and Dad stayed with me a while till there house in Gaylord that was being built, could be lived in.  Originally this house had a room that was between the utility room and the garage.  It was an add on that was probably meant  to be a seasonal summer room.  He decided it needed a new tile ceiling and did it.  I would never have remembered his goodness on this because the following year the garage and that room burned to the ground.  The gift is gone, but thanks to my journal, not forgotten.  He was a good man.  RIP Bob!

1980 - Cable News Network (CNN) made its debut as the first all-news station. I like to be informed but not to the point of watching continous news.  Do you watch it?  Remember this for Jeopardy.

Cairns Australia
The gateway to Queensland’s tropical north, Cairns is a stylish city, which is also renowned for its relaxed, tropical climate and laid back ambience.
Leap from Cairns into the World Heritage wonders of the Great Barrier Reef and the Daintree Rainforest. Relax in the resorts of Port Douglas and Mission Beach or on Lizard Island. Take the old railway to Kuranda, or follow the Great Tropical Drive to white water rivers and the Atherton Tablelands. Head north to Cape Tribulation or take the Savannah Way for an outback journey.  This sounds like a great vacation area!  Let's enjoy!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Kathy D!

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