Saturday, June 10, 2017

June 10, 2017 Saturday#Summertime#forgiven!#blankpage#oldbug#democracy!

Get Fit
In the summer time we are generally more fit because we are more active.  Even if you are just doing yard work you are spending more time outside in the fresh air, getting some vitamin D from the sun and without your knowledge using muscles you haven't used all winter.  Keep that back strong by doing some sit ups so you don't hurt yourself lifting those 40 lb bags of dirt. Make sure you stretch before taking a walk or run, keep yourself safe from over doing it.  Enjoy the beautiful weather!  Drink water.  Happy summer!

Get Faith
Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, let us settle the matter , says the Lord.  Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool."  Isaiah, a prophet of the old testament, was told by God that the Savior would come.  He prophesied in the old testament about the promise of the Christ and this is one of them.  Isaiah told the people that their sins would be forgiven in an age old ritual of shedding blood to get forgiveness.  Our forgiveness is in the shedding of the blood of Jesus the Christ.  You are clean as the fallen snow, washed free of sin.  Thank you Jesus.

On this day
1993  My journal was a blank page on this day.  It was not a good year, my husband and I were going separate ways and I was majorly concerned about how I was going to keep my house going and take care of Nicole. I had not worked a full time job in 8 years and would have to find gainful employment.  He was not working and going through some serious changes so I knew it would be totally on me to provide for us.  I was also losing my rights to Aaron, being his step mother and I knew that would be horrific to Nicole.  Those are days you don't want to remember and so you don't write anything down.  I do know we continued in church, we continued during this time to play softball for the city league.  I know the rest of the family rallied around us and kept life as solid as it always was for Nicole and Aaron, and it all worked out.  God stepped in and strengthened us for the fight ahead and we were fine.  Blank pages usually tell a bigger story.

1993 - It was announced by scientists that genetic material was extracted from an insect that lived when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.  And somethings remain the same.

Cairns Australia


'The Lagoon' on Cairns Esplanade at sunset.
Cairns is part of the Cairns Region local government area which is governed by a Regional Council. The Council consists of a directly elected mayor and 10 councillors, elected from 10 single-member divisions (or wards) using an optional preferential voting system. Elections are held every four years.
The Cairns Region consists of three former local government areas. The first was the original City of Cairns, consisting of the Cairns City region as listed above. The second, which was amalgamated in 1995, was the Shire of Mulgrave (comprising the other areas, namely the Northern Beaches, Redlynch Valley and Southside). The town of Gordonvale was once called Nelson. The third area is the Shire of Douglas, which amalgamated in 2008 during major statewide local government reforms.
At the time of the 1995 amalgamation, Cairns City had a population of approximately 40,000 and Mulgrave Shire had a population of approximately 60,000. Both local government authorities had chambers in the Cairns CBD. The old Cairns City Council chambers has been converted into a new city library. In a controversial decision,[49] new Council chambers were constructed on previously contaminated land in the mainly industrial suburb of Portsmith.
Cairns has three representatives in the Queensland Parliament, from the electoral districts of Barron RiverCairns and Mulgrave. The city is represented in the Federal Parliament by representatives elected from the districts of Leichhardt and Kennedy.  Sounds familiar, different names but the same basics.  Democracy.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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