Friday, June 2, 2017

June 2, 2017 Friday #Granny'sadvice#Pray#lawnservice#squatters#OceansideCairns!

Get Fit
Profile photo Granny's wise advice on exercising and living healthy.  Check it out

Get Faith
Luke 11:1  "Lord, teach us to pray."  This is the lead in to the Lord's Prayer that all Christians know by heart.  You don't have to know it though, all of your prayer spoken silently or aloud are heard by God.  Our prayers can be spontaneous and, often are, a cry for help or a loud "Thank God".  Jesus tells us to mention His name and our prayers will be heard, like an instant link - a better connection.  I have heard that people who have lost their memory can still recite the Lord's Prayer, it is kept in the soul not the brain.  Prayer is important for all of your times of day - it can be a habit, a good one.

On this day
1981  Lawn mowers have been the scourge of my life.  On this day I stopped at my brothers house to pick up his lawn mower and took it home, cut my lawn and took it back.  I noted that I had to have help getting it in and out of the car - but apparently got the job done.  I don't even own a lawn mower anymore - I have lawn service, so much better no matter the cost.  They even cut my dirt yesterday. ;)

1774 - The Quartering Act, which required American colonists to allow British soldiers into their houses, was reenacted.  So, they had to open their homes to soldiers, rent free while we were at war with them.  Not the first time in history this happened.

Cairns Australia
Cairns Cairns  Aye Matey!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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