Monday, June 19, 2017

June 19, 2017 Monday#Abs#fearHell#goodneighbors#failed#coastlinetour!

Get Fit
I worked out the abs today, after sitting a lot this weekend (long drives and wedding) I needed to tend to my lower back and abs does that for me.  The other thing I noticed is when I read about other peoples symptoms I often identify and begin to think I have that problem too.  DON"T DO THAT!  Keep moving!

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 8:12  "It will be well with those who fear God."  Fear of  fire, fear of water, fear of heights, fear of illness are a few things we are afraid of.  It is healthy fear that keeps us from burning ourselves or drowning, falling and not taking care of our health.  Fear of God is the same.  Yes, he can and has brought havoc to people and the earth in the past, he has rained down hail and brimstone, but now, after our Savior came to mend the problems we had, God has forgiven us.  Should you still be afraid of Him?  I think so.  We should be afraid that not staying close, loving and worshiping Him can mean separation from Him and to me, that would be Hell.  I pray that He keeps me close so I don't have to fear being separated from Him.

On this day
2010  It was a Saturday and I was still working for a living.  You know how it is, on Saturday you have to spend your entire day on chores and errands.  I used to get Mom in the car and take her with me to the store, by church to drop off newspaper in the recycling can, Pet Supplies etc. and of course we always stopped for lunch.  My neighbors Ty  and Shannon, were off somewhere and asked me to let their lab Dewey out for them.  I loved Dewey and would have gladly paid them for the opportunity but they brought steaks over later that day for mine and Mom's dinner.  Love thy neighbor!  

1586 - English colonists sailed away from Roanoke Island, NC, after failing to establish England's first permanent settlement in America. Question, was it already known as Roanoke Island? meaning that someone else had already settled it?  Was there already a "permanent" settlement there?  So many questions.  I guess we have to read the book.

Cairns Australia
Lets drive the coast today and see the sights!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy birthday June!!

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