Tuesday, June 6, 2017

June 6, 2017 Tuesday #goodintentions#understanding#babies#$devils#foundedin1876!

Get Fit
Dancing Granny's, is growing on me.  lol  Somedays you just have to entertain yourself.  I have good intentions of taking a walk everyday, either before dinner or after dinner.  Which would be better?

Get Faith
Proverbs 2:10-11  "For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.  Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you."  These are some great things to have - wisdom, knowledge, discretion and understanding.  One out of four isn't bad.  We all try to be the best we can be, I think, well ok, I know some people that could work a little harder at it, including myself, but we try.  At work yesterday I had to let a lady go because it was harder for us when she was there.  She had a hearing problem so always answered the phone then handed it to us, because she couldn't hear.  She was the sweetest person in the world and told me she thought I was so smart and kind and she could sense my authority when I walked in the room.  I couldn't keep her because she made me feel good, but she did.  Discretion.  I will pray God finds something meaningful for her to do, at 66 it is hard to find work.  She lives in Detroit near downtown if you know of something.  She worked at Blue Cross in data entry for years.

On this day
1985  This is an excerpt from that day:
"Mid (night) 5 am 8am                       2 wet
Noon             4pm 8pm                  4 dirty     (feeding and diapers)
Fed Nicole   Alice's birthday - called her,  getting baby on schedule  Ma called and over w/food.  Nicole bath after 12 noon feeding"  
Nicole was not a month old and I was obsessed with my new baby as is my niece Lindsey with her new baby, Hudson.  I enjoy listening to Lindsey and reliving all the glorious things that go on when you have that little life that completely changes yours.  Thank God for babies! And mothers that bring food.

1985 - The U.S. Senate authorized nonmilitary aid to the Contras. The vote authorized $38 million over two years.  Now it would be a trillion, right?

1985 - The body of Nazi war criminal Dr. Josef Mengele was located and exhumed near Sao Paolo, Brazil. Mengele was known as the "Angel of Death." Bad guy, ever read Boys of Brazil?  Interesting.

Cairns Austrailia
Cairns was founded in 1876, hastened by the need to export gold discovered on the tablelands to the west of the inlet. The site was predominantly mangrove swamps and sand ridges. Labourers gradually cleared the swamps, and the sand ridges were filled with dried mud, sawdust from local sawmills, and ballast from a quarry at Edge Hill. Debris from the construction of a railway to Herberton on the Atherton Tableland, a project which started in 1886, was also used. The railway opened up land later used for agriculture on the lowlands (sugar cane, corn, rice, bananas, pineapples), and for fruit and dairy production on the Tableland. The success of local agriculture helped establish Cairns as a port, and the creation of a harbour board in 1906 supported its economic future.[10][11] This explains how we change the earth to meet our needs.  Good or bad?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Alice, Jon, Courtney and Danielle

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