Saturday, June 24, 2017

June 24, 2017 Saturday#sunshine#rewards#Dadsface#shantytown#cakes!!!

Get Fit
Going to work today so maybe get some activity in later!  Such a beautiful day to be outside, get some fresh air and sunshine!

Get Faith
Matthew 5:7-9  (This from the beatitudes) "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.  Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons(and daughters) of God.  These are the rewards that God promises us in the new Testament.  Lasting and important things, mercy, blessing, and a place with God in His family.  Eternal gifts.

On this day
an excerpt from 1968 "went for contract application - looks good.  Over to Quality, Mark (brother) for ride.  Don called over  Uncle Hanks  ride tin the boat with Pat & Dennis  films from 1956  Dad in them."   So,  I applied for my mortgage to buy my first home.  I was 21 and my brother Mark was 11.  I took him with me a lot, not sure I took him to my uncles though.  My Uncle Hank and my fiancee Don took to each other quickly.  They were both carpenters and loved their Harleys.  They had the old films of the family and here I got to see my Dad's face (after 8 years of him being passed)  It was much like seeing the face of God to me I think.  Do you have old family films you like to watch occasionally?  Check out the old hair styles and clothes and stupid smiles on the kids faces?  Love it.

1968 - "Resurrection City," a shantytown constructed as part of the Poor People's March on Washington D.C., was closed down by authorities. Anyone remember this, I kind of do.

Cairns Australia  cuisine
Panna cotta lamington cake with strawberry jam


Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  hAPPY bIRTHDAY kATHY

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