Friday, September 1, 2017

September 1, 2017 Friday #quickfix#restfulsleep#wallwashingpregnant#Chase!#pooltime!

Get Fit
Got a workout in with Pilates this morning.  The instructor reminds us that "fitness is not a quick fix but a long term commitment".  I believe that.  Do what you can, do more if you are young! I'm young.

Get Faith
Jeremiah 31:26  "At this I awoke and looked around.  My sleep had been pleasant to me."  How many of us can say this?  This world is full of things that fill our head with worries and stress.  We hope to get rest from it sleeping' but that too often doesn't help.  Then we try to find something, sleeping meds, etc to help us accomplish what God intends for our good.  I say prayers when I get in bed and fall asleep immediately but often wake up in the middle of the night  thinking "I need to fill out that tax paper" or "I offered to organize this for someone or that etc etc etc..... " I think Jeremiah had inside information to this problem.  Maybe we should read that whole chapter and see what helped him.

On this day
1984  I didn't know yet, that I was pregnant but, my system obviously did.  It was the Labor Day weekend but I was cleaning house and actually washed the walls in the living room.  We all smoked so washing walls and windows was a full time job.  It is funny how your body knows to start the "nesting" process before you even know.  I quit smoking eight days later when that home test said positive.

1799 - The Bank of Manhattan Company opened in New York City, NY. It was the forerunner of Chase Manhattan. Lindsey here is an interesting tidbit for you!

East Honolulu to Fresno!

Let's stay here!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Liz and Paul!!

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