Friday, January 5, 2018

January 5, 2018 Friday #no$#Who?#mybuddyty#Benedict#Bauer

Get Fit
After getting up at 6 and getting ready for work, then getting a text that I wasn't working today - I did what anyone would do.  I put my pajamas back on.  It was an extra effort to talk myself into putting on my exercise clothes (yes I wear exercise clothes to work out in) and work out with Jillian.  The upside of all this is that I was much warmer after the workout.  Do what you can!

Get Faith
My small group Bible Study has been meeting for a couple years.  I considered dropping it but now have assumed the leader role in the group.  Funny how that works.  Tonight we meet to discuss this passage from Mark 8:27-30  "Jesus went on with his disciples to the village of Caesarea Philippi.  And on the way he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that I am?"  This is the center of this study to me.  Who do I say He is?  Who do you say He is?  Consider this today.  Who is Jesus to you?

On this day
2014  - We were getting snow on this day.  6 to 8 inches of it.  My neighbor Ty and I got out our snowblowers and shovels and started cleaning sidewalks and driveways.  We always did all the elderly peoples drives and a lot of the neighbors sidewalks and then we sat out in the garage and surveyed our handy work with a beer.  We were probably warm after all that work so the cold wasn't as bad as our thirst.  It is a great memory of my buddy and I.  He moved away and it hasn't been the same since. I hope his new neighbors appreciate him.  Today is not a good day for this - too cold it is only 0 degrees right now.

1781 - Richmond, VA, was burned by a British naval expedition led by Benedict Arnold. Hey I know that name!

Jonkoping Sweden
There is a long list of notable people from Jonkoping here is one:

Notable people[edit]

  • John Bauer, illustrator, painter  
  • John Albert Bauer (4 June 1882 – 20 November 1918) was a Swedish painter and illustrator. His work is concerned with landscape and mythology, but he also composed portraits. He is best known for his illustrations of early editions of Bland tomtar och troll (Among Gnomes and Trolls), an anthology of Swedish folklore and fairy tales.  
  •   Here is one of his works!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday to Courtney and Diane!

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