Monday, January 8, 2018

January 8, 2018 Monday#Pilates#Iamlistening#deafandhigh#watergate#Sodertalje

Get Fit
All the years I have been using the Pilates ring video I never noticed there are other workouts on it beside the one I always used.  This morning was just a leg workout and I liked it.  Something new.

Get Faith
Isaiah 40:31 "But they who wait in the Lord will renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles: they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not be faint."  This verse has been my "go to" the past year.  After my lung cancer surgery I made a point of getting back to working out as soon as I could - and it helped but there was something else.  My sense of well being had taken a hit and this verse kept popping up in my journal (today) in my Bible study groups, on my phone, until I finally got the message.  Remember the other day "I am listening" ?  I started listening and my faith came back to make myself whole - my being.  Trust God to renew all of your strength!

On this day
1973  Quality had a new billing/bookkeeping system from Borroughs.  It was a huge desk sized (computer) type billing machine.  I had to run a data tape through it as a program so I could do the billing on it.  We thought we were at the height of technology with that thing.  The guy from Boroughs that sold it to us and trained us to use it was Eric.  He was kind of an odd duck, more mental than social I think.  He had a small apartment in downtown Birmingham and he smoked a lot of dope.  He was a geek for the time and had a huge sound system - Quadraphonic, cutting edge that I probably lost a lot of my hearing ability to.  I dated him for a while, but even for me - he was too far out there.  He is probably a grandfather with a severe hearing loss now, but probably grows his own.

1973 - The trial opened in Washington, of seven men accused of bugging Democratic Party headquarters in the Watergate apartment complex in Washington, DCIn case you were thinking bad politics was a new thing.

Jonkoping Sweden

3. Don’t Worry About Not Being Able to Pronounce the Town Names

Sure, Stockholm is easy, but what about Uppsala, Linköping, or Södertälje? Sweden’s language is a minefield of punctuation and accents you never even knew existed. Fortunately, the locals are pretty understanding about this shortcoming, so don’t lose too much sleep when you’re trying to navigate; just ask a citizen.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Janice T!

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