Monday, January 1, 2018

January 1, 2018, Monday #Recovery#Jesusmyall!#Jonkoping!

Get Fit
Not today probably, it is a holiday, but tomorrow start that workout program you have been thinking about.  Maybe you got some equipment to help you get started.   Enter it in as a regular entry on everyday on your phone - 8 Am - 1/2 hour workout!  You can do it!

Get Faith
John 14:6  Jesus said to him, "I am the way..."  Jesus was speaking to Thomas as it is recorded, but it is a message for all of us.  "I am the way and the truth and life."  He is also the light, the bread and the water you can drink and never thirst again.  If you are searching or hungry, first, define what it is you are searching for or what will satisfy your hunger.  Don't search your GPS or your pantry, look to God for the answers in what is missing in your life.

On this day
2009  I believe that the only way to celebrate on New Years Day is recover and relax.  Watch foot ball quietly and eat healthy foods. (or not)  Start the day off right.  In this year I called friends, Betty, Waynette, family - Uncle Hank, Andy  and Jan came over for dinner.  Nicole and her friend and I played Jackass all day.  (The game)  I had been at a party with a lot of my friends the night before so I didn't need to call them.  How about you?  Anyone you need to call to start the year off right? 

0404 - The last gladiator competition was held in Rome. I for one am damn glad this is over!

Jonkoping Sweden
Collage of Jönköping
Collage of Jönköping
 Here we are!  Looks really interesting!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy New Year!  Happy Birthday Danny B!

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