Wednesday, January 10, 2018

January 10, 2018 Wednesday #Yoga#healthyfear#tinyhouse#Islandhopping!

Get Fit
There are yoga classes everywhere these days. We have holy yoga on Friday at church and don't you know that is the day I have been working.  A friend, Adele, started yoga last year and loves it as I am sure you would if you try.  I have one yoga video I do at home that has 2 sessions AM and PM.  Do what works for you but I promise you will like yoga.

Get Faith
Psalm 51:1 "Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your unfailing love."  Are you one of those people that say (jokingly) "if I went to church the roof would fall down"?  It won't,  the church is already full of sinners.  You are WAY underestimating God's love for you.  His mercy is with those who love Him and fear Him and if you are afraid of the roof - you already have a healthy fear of the Lord.  Show up in His house and see.

On this day
1976  I had a party at my house in Birmingham.  Now, my house was so small that the living room was probably smaller than most of your bedrooms.  I am still in contact with a few of these people but others I have no idea.  I'm listing them here for my friends that read this.  Pete, Gary and Jenny Sherman, Eddie & Donna, Chuck & Gail, Pat & Pam, Rich Lesko, Ty  & Vicki, Don & Diane, and Don & Elaine, were all jammed into my tiny house and I believe there was a snowstorm that night.  Gary and Jenny may still be together but they are the only ones.  Mind you, we were young and relationships were not cast in stone. Many of them are not with us anymore.  I just like to remember people and hope you do too.  Call someone you haven't talked to in a while!

1776 - "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine was published. I wonder if  this is relevant, I know a few people I'd like to send it to, what about you?

Jonkoping Sweden

15 Things NOT to Do in Sweden

6. Don’t Skip Out On the Island Hopping

As the fourth largest country in Europe, Sweden has plenty of coastline. That coast overlooks a series of beautiful islands that are home to all manner of people and creatures. The country has made it pretty easy to access these islands, and a lot of them are something special, so don’t miss out.   I should look more into this.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Pastor Chris

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