Tuesday, January 30, 2018

January 30, 2018 Tuesday #UBCompulsive#Spirit#Callafriend#Swedishgifts!

Get Fit
Had to hurry up and get my Pilates in before Nicole took the laptop.  Funny how we get so dependent on the electronics.  I remember when all I had to do was turn on some music (oh that's equipment too) and then dance.  She will be back in a few days and then I can do my yoga etc.  Till then I have the non-video things I can do.  I guess I'm compulsive about exercising - I have worse habits.  How about you?  What are you doing today to get the heart and oxygen moving?

Get Faith
John 16:12-13  "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.  But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth."  Do you think of the Spirit?  Jesus said He would not leave us alone but would send the Spirit to be with us.  The Spirit of truth, to help us continue in our faith and believe in the Gospel.  It is that part of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit - One God, that is still here with us.  We have not been abandoned.  He came at that time referred to as Pentecost, when all the people became Evangelists and could preach to all about the Gospel truth.  Pray to the Spirit today to strengthen you and help you grow your faith.

On this day
1996  On my way home from work I picked up Nicole from Middle School, I think.  She was playing basketball and of course I loved watching.  After the game we went home and she went to Craig's.  He was one of her best friends, that lived close, and they are still till this day friends that can count on each other.  Craig and his girlfriend Megan announced their engagement last weekend.  I am so excited to see that wedding!  While Nicole was away that evening, I heard from a couple of my old friends - Jack Tate, the offshore hero and my nemesis Pete.  I still like to hear from old friends and do daily!  Keep up with your friends, we are getting to an age when you will regret you didn't call them.

 1996 - Gino Gallagher, the reputed leader of the Irish National Liberation Army, was shot and killed as he queued for his unemployment benefit. See!  I wonder if his friends regret not calling.

Jonkoping Sweden
Hey packing up and getting ready to move on.  How about souvenirs?
Swedes Do It Better Sweden Swedish Ceramic Coffee Tea Mug Cup - Holiday Christmas Hanukkah Gift for Men & WomenSagaform 5016627 Dala Horse Shot Glasses, Set of 4102 Around the World Refrigerator Fridge Magnet Gift & Souvenir Collection (Dala Horse Sweden)
They also have spoons and thimbles if you collect those!  I like the fridge magnets but as you can guess I'm worried my door will fall off.  Beautiful country Sweden!  Take another look at pictures.

Go to Jonkoping Sweden image results. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Dave!

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