Thursday, January 18, 2018

January 18, 2018 Thursday#Walk#GiftofGod#Oldfriends#lotsofculture!

Get Fit
Caught up with a friend (literally) at the gym at church and walked a while with her.  Inside walking is such a drag, she had music playing on her phone which made it better.  Of course her and I can chatter on about anything and she finally turned off the music.  Grab a friend and go for a walk.  If alone you can go to the mall - they still have the walkers and at least you have something to look at other than gym walls.

Get Faith
Matthew 19 14-15 "But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and don't prevent them.  For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." And he put his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left."  Some people only need to be asked.  Children are a much softer target.  They are open to a good story and accept God's word with little argument.  I was blessed to be a Sunday School teacher for 25 years with children ranging from 3 to high school.  Each age had its struggles, the littles can't sit still and the oldest are distracted.  Ok,  they all have a hard time sitting still and most are distracted.  It is a very rewarding role though and I pray for many of my students, still, on a regular basis.  Take your children to church - give them the everlasting gift of faith and the strength of family in church attendance.

On this day
1983  It was a Tuesday and we had all worked but we met at the Wishing Well for dinner. Pat and Pam, Ty and Norma and Linda and I.  It doesn't mention it being a special occasion, just good friends keeping in touch and sharing conversation.  I wish I could replay the conversation.  We are all still good friends and actually all had dinner together last summer at Mike's.  Wow 35 years ago.

1778 - English navigator Captain James Cook discovered the Hawaiian Islands, which he called the "Sandwich Islands." Got any ideas on why sandwich ?

Jonkoping Sweden culture
The 25 historical provinces (landskap) of Sweden, which early in their histories had poor intercommunication, each have a distinct culture. The provinces long ago lost their importance as administrative and political regions, but are still seen as cultural ones, and the population of Sweden identifies with them. Each province has a specific history, each with its own robust nature. Some of them constituted separated parts of Sweden with their own laws. Other regions have been independent, or a part of another country, such as (Denmark or Norway), etc. They have different indigenous dialects of North Germanic, and some have ethnic minorities. For more information about these cultural regions, see the provinces' articles:

  So go to each province to see the individual culture?  Wow!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Jenny T

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