Monday, January 22, 2018

January 22, 2018 Monday #variety#Jesuslovesthelittlechildren#busy##@%*^

Get Fit
The daily dozen and I'm not talking eggs here.  I was watching an exercise show the other day and they said it is important to switch off and do a variety of things as in Pilates, yoga, weights, Zumba whatever you do, change it up.  The  only consistent thing I see is walking.  And then breakfast.

Get Faith
Luke 18:16  "Then Jesus called the children over to him and said to the disciples, "Let the  little children come to me!  Never send them away! For the Kingdom of God  belongs to men (and women) who have hearts as trusting as these little children's.""  We just read this 4 or 5 days ago as recounted by Matthew.  They knew a true scripture when more than one disciple mentioned it in their gospel.  It is so important!  Jesus knew how hard the heads were of those trying to follow Him, then and now.  Children can learn these stories and through life remember the lessons they learned and the love God has for them when learned at an early age.  Let the little children come to Him!

On this day
1990  I was still working at Quality at this time, a couple days a week.  They were paying me in health insurance for my family.  Mom took care of Nicole while I worked or Mark took her to the boat store to spend the day with him and grandpa.  She loved those days, Grandpa was a huge spoiler. When I got home I had to proofread the LSCORA newsletter and get it to the printing company.  I also had to call Sunday School teachers and remind them of a meeting later in the week.  My life is full and God is good to provide  answers and solutions to all my life needs.

1990 - Guns 'N' Roses guitarist Slash used profanity numerous times on live television while accepting an American Music Award. Now there is some big news!  Now it is common place.

Sweden Culture

The Ethnic Make-up of Sweden

The indigenous population of Sweden is comprised of Swedes with Finnish and Sami minorities. Foreign-born or first-generation immigrants are typically of Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, Greek and Turkish ethnicity.  
Siri gives a similar report as of 2017, not what I have heard.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Diana M.!!

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