Sunday, January 7, 2018

January 7, 2018 Sunday #Steps#Baptism#MotorcyclePsycho!#NONO's

Get Fit
Planning on being busy today.  I am going to my "other" church to undecorate and help put Christmas away, that is always good for some steps.  I also know it is going to snow later today and will be a bit warmer so I might get in some shoveling exercise.  What are you planning, beside sitting and watching sports today?

Get Faith
Today is Baptism Sunday, the day we celebrate the Lord's baptism.  You can ask your Pastor or Priest why Jesus needed to be Baptised.  John the Baptist was equally surprised I'm sure.  Light a candle in celebration of your baptism today.  Not baptised?  Call me.

On this day
1968  It was a Sunday and my fiance Don and I went to the show with friends Ron and Gail, it was their anniversary.  We went to the Fox theater and saw Motorcycle Psycho.  Yep, Hard to believe but there is no reason to make it up.  After the show we went to Big Boys for dinner.  I did make a comment about the movie. Ech!  So, now, all day you can think of the demise of Detroit (after the riot) and the recent rebuilding and how you can't imagine the Fox showing that movie today!

1968 - The cost of a U.S. first class stamp was raised to 6 cents. Something else hard to imagine!

Jonkoping Sweden
There’s a little something for everyone in the Scandinavian wonderland of Sweden. The country is covered in forests and lakes and its coastline is dotted with more than 24,000 picturesque little islands. Every inch of that beautiful terrain is accessible to the public. For those people who aren’t outdoorsmen, Sweden is home to a thriving urban culture that’s produced some of the most notable brands in the world. If you get the chance to travel through this beautiful nation, however, you shouldn’t go in ignorant. Here are a few suggestions on what not to do when you’re in Sweden.

15 Things NOT to Do in Sweden

1. Don’t Litter or Anything of the Kind

The first thing to know about Sweden is that they are extremely kind to their environs. They’re world leaders in the movement to eliminate waste, and that commitment goes way down the line to every citizen. They take preserving the environment very seriously, so while you’re in the country, be sure to show a similar level of respect.

2. Don’t Worry About the Tap Water

In a lot of places, the water might be a concern, but that’s not the case in Sweden. Not only is the water delicious, but the Swedes are a pretty socially conscious bunch (i.e. environmentally unfriendly bottles of water are frowned upon).
(more to come)
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Lisa H. and Arnold

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