Saturday, January 13, 2018

January 13, 2018 Saturday #Maintenance!#Always#games#unionflag#panarama!

Get Fit
How is that New Year resolution to get more exercise going?  If you are a person who keeps good habits with other things like brushing your teeth or maintenance on your car, you can do this!  It can be an important part of your routine.  If you maintain your car and your teeth it will be a shame for your health to go down the drain so that you won't have anything to smile about and unable to go anywhere in your car and enjoy yourself.  Get with it!!!

Get Faith
Matthew 28:20  (Jesus said.) "and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."  As we worry about birthdays flying by and getting older, we worry about our ability to accomplish the things we want to do.  Like others I burn up my days with one activity after another.  I am not good at resting.  Here is something you don't have to worry about, after this life is over - God will be waiting for you. He has a place waiting for you, and it doesn't matter whether you got everything done here or not.  It doesn't matter how much you have accumulated or lost.  It only matters that you believe in Him and that He has always been there for you - and always will be.  All glory and praise to our God.

On this day
1978  It was a Friday and I went to my Mom's house to celebrate her birthday which was a few days before on the 9th.  My brother Mark and I played backgammon after dinner and Waynette came by for a while.  Now I think that was a relaxing and enjoyable evening.  When was the last time you played backgammon? or any game?  I am not a good game player, but I still enjoy playing.

1794 - U.S. President Washington approved a measure adding two stars and two stripes to the American flag, following the admission of Vermont and Kentucky to the union.  So that went to 15?
 1777–1795  yes

Jonkoping Sweden
what a beautiful city!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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