Saturday, January 6, 2018

January 6, 2018 Saturday # 12#meetJesus#YoubeYou#Ashdownladiessingthissong

Get Fit
Went through the Daily Dozen that the massage therapist gave me and then sent her a text thanking her for how well those 12 exercises work to keep me strong and with a wide range of motion.  We don't always notice as we get older that slowly our arms, back, ankles and necks don't have the strength or rotation that they used to have.  If you need this sheet of exercises I can send them to you or you can go on line and Google them - they come up under Daily Dozen.

Get Faith
Ephesians 2:14  "For He Himself is our peace."  I know I mention this quite often and I too would like world peace but, I have learned to settle for the peace that I get from Jesus.  When you give up thinking that you can control the outcome of all that happens in your life and give it up to God, there is a peace that is not like any other that you get. Yes, there are many things in life that you can control but not everything and those are the things that make you crazy.  Meet Jesus.  He has peace for you.

On this day
2015  I was retired now and into a regular routine of exercise, crossword and coffee, shower and house cleaning.  Do you have a regular routine? Maybe you just get up, start drinking coffee and wait for something to jar you into action like a doctor appointment, etc.  I am OCD when it comes to schedule - but force myself to adjust to change when necessary.  Not so different I think from most of you.  A very important thing everyday for me is contacting someone that I care about and haven't heard from in a while, like on this day it was Dee Lynch.  That is why a lot of you think I have a huge social network, I do, that's why.  Some people prefer the simple life and solitude and that's ok too.  You be you.  Nicole and Glen went to the fundraiser for Brandon on this day, he should have made better choices and someone should have been in contact with him.  He died from a drug overdose on Christmas day, alone in a van.  Don't make the mistake of isolating yourself with your problems.  don't be that you.

0871 - England's King Alfred defeated the Danes at the Battle of Ashdown. So much of our history is war.  I never heard of King Alfred but I thought that Ashdown was a horse race venue.  ?  No?

Jonkoping Sweden
Gallery image of this propertyI hope this is where we are staying!!
Hotel Scandic Portalen, wow!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Alan C and Joannie!

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