Thursday, January 11, 2018

January 11, 2018 Thursday #WALK#Doyoubelieve?#SprechensieDeutsch?#SpeakSwedish?

Get Fit
We have a regulation size gym a church and I understand 10 times around is 1/2 a mile.  So I didn't count but got in what I could before Bible study.  Do what you can!

Get Faith
2 Corinthians 5:17  "When someone becomes a Christian "(they) become a brand new person inside.  (They) are not the same any more.  A new life has begun!"  The Bible is full of stories of God saving people.  Rahab was a woman of questionable character but she knew God.  She provided safety for the Israelite men who came to Jericho to spy on the city.  She helped them escape by hanging a scarlet cord over the wall of the city so they could escape and then hung that same scarlet cord in her window so the Israelites could save her and her family after the walls crumbled.  This is an old testament story but still a story of God's saving grace.  Jesus saved all those who want to be saved by dying on the cross for us and then was resurrected  from death as we will be at the end time.  Do you believe?  Are you saved?  I hope so.

On this day
1977  Mom and I decided to sign up for a German  class.  This was not my first time trying to learn German.  Mom spoke German as a child growing up, she was born in Germany.  But, unless you have an opportunity to speak it on a regular basis it is hard to hang on to.  Maybe if I went and lived in Germany I could learn - ok that's settled.

1977 - France released Abu Daoud, a Palestinian suspected of involvement in the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.  Did we think this was a recent phenomenon?

Jonkoping Sweden

Don't Assume All Swedes Speak English

Bathing in Sea, Sk?rhamn, Tjorn, Sweden
English might be a universal language, but don’t expect to hear your mother tongue in most parts of Europe. In fact, you can only be guaranteed to hear English in the UK, but it is certainly not the predominant language in Sweden. This is not to say that Swedes cannot speak English, but keep in mind that this is not their first language. Whatever you do, when you encounter a non-native English speaker in Sweden, do not raise your voice and speak more slowly to them as if they were raised in the back of a chicken coop. Learn a few basic Swedish phrases instead.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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