Wednesday, January 3, 2018

January 3, 2018 Wednesday #Strength#Godisgood#Peasoup#cometogether#IKEA

Get Fit
Do you have a set of weights? or soup cans? anything?  I have 3 lb and 5 lb weights that I use.  Jillian says to use light weights (3 lbs) when doing her circuit training.  This morning I used the 5 lbs because what I did was simply lifting.  I worked out the arms and legs and whatever supports those like the back and the butt.  What about you?  Keep those muscles strong!  You are only 3 days into the new resolution!  You can do it!

Get Faith
Ezra 3:11  "For He is good, for His mercy endures forever...."  The study writer talks about Christians that were not "Christians" all their lives.  Many of the great leaders, pastors, evangelists were not what you think when they were youths.  Our Father in heaven knows that our "youth" days can be less than angelic.  I was a terrible teenager and even young adult, and ok, even into middle age.  I always loved God and was a believer but it took my daughter Nicole coming into my life to make me see life through different eyes.  I apologized a lot to the Lord during those days and apparently He saw something in me worth saving and giving me hope for.  God is good and He is forever forgiving. Don't count yourself out!

On this day
2012  I made pea soup.  That might sound like a poor memory or unimportant entry in a journal but, Hey!  it was January 3rd, cold, Nicole was sick and who doesn't have a ham bone after Christmas?  Think about coming in from shoveling snow, or coming home from work, or the kids coming in from school and the windows are steamy, the house smells great and the warm soup going down your throat!  I gotta get a ham bone!  Didn't have ham this year.

1521 - Pope Leo X excommunicated Martin Luther. AND last year the Pope and the Head of the Lutheran World church had communion together.  Could we be getting smarter?

Jonkoping Sweden


The Sofia Church in Jönköping, Neo-Gothic style, 1888
Jönköping is an old trading centre (Köping) situated at a natural crossroads for routes following the rivers Nissan and Lagan, and the road connecting the provinces of Östergötland and Västergötland, a result of the town's geographical position at the southern end of lake Vättern, which divides the two provinces.
On 18 May 1284 Jönköping became the first City in Sweden to be granted its rights by king Magnus Ladulås, who ruled mostly from Vättern's largest island Visingsö. The first part of the city's name, "Jön", is derived from a creek, "Junebäcken", in Talavid, in what is now the western part of the city. The second part of the name "köping", is, as mentioned above, an old word for a trading centre or market place.[4]
The geographical position of the city also left it vulnerable to attack via the river routes that led south, mainly from Danes. At that time the provinces of what is today southern Sweden — ScaniaHalland and Blekinge — belonged to Denmark. The city was plundered and burned several times until it was fortified during the 16th and 17th centuries.
Jönköping was known for its matchstick industry between 1845–1970.[5] Today it is an important Nordic logistical center, with many companies' central warehouses (such as ElkjøpIKEAElectrolux and Husqvarna) situated there.  I thought the Scandinavian countries were friendly but apparently not then.  Notice the business names, IKEA, Electrolux?  Those are the ones I know.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Peter S!

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