Saturday, January 20, 2018

January 20, 2018 Saturday #shortcircuit#heartcontents#Aaron40#Swedishya?

Get Fit
Some days are better than others working out with Jillian.  I was strong for the first circuit but I started fading early on the second circuit.  Do what you can!

Get Faith
Proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he (or she).  Do you know someone that comes off gruff and tough?  They put on a show of being hard or mean but you know that inside they are a teddy bear.  The gal that talks big about not putting up with anyone's crap is usually the kindest person who will  do anything for you.  God knows their center, He knows the real person.  That outward shell is usually a front to protect a tender heart from being hurt.  Don't tell them I said this though because there is no surer way to bring wrath than to mess with someone's protective cover.  What's in your heart?

On this day
1988  Aaron's birthday was yesterday - turned 40.  In 1988 he was 10 and his dad and I went shopping for his birthday presents.  His mom and us shared him which worked out great for the kids.  They literally had two families and two parties, etc.  At 10 years old I'm sure we poured on the toys still.  I wonder if this was the year he got the black and red checked pullover shirt that he loved.  Boy those 30 years flew by, sniff.

1801 - John Marshall was appointed chief justice of the United StatesSeriously that seems like a more important job than the presidency, don't you think?

Jonkoping Sweden Culture

Language in Sweden

The official language of Sweden is Swedish and it is spoken by the majority of individuals living in Sweden. One of two key minority languages is Saami, which is spoken in the Northern regions of Sweden and finally Finnish. There are also a number of Romanies in Sweden who speak in Romani.
Swedish is not only the official language of Sweden. It is also one of the official languages of Finland.
Influences on the Swedish language have come primarily from Latin, German and Danish. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Don!!  Carly and Steve!

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