Sunday, January 14, 2018

January 14, 2018 Sunday #Futile#DwellwithGod#Animalhouse#Fundamentalorders#Amy!

Get Fit
This morning was an exercise in futility.  Trying to deposit a check into my bank using my phone.  I couldn't remember my password, then my ss #.  Inconceivable!  Then I couldn't get online to get the code they were sending to me to reactivate my phone banking.  I'm going to church to calm down.

Get Faith
2 Corinthians 6:16  "I will dwell in them... I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters."  I do have a family, it was large and available when I was growing up and as it happens it grows smaller through natural processes - death and marriages and people moving to distant places.  Since Mom died my immediate family has become more distant.  The connection and responsibility to Grandma does not (naturally) mean me.  I accept that.  The one family we can stay connected to is the Family of God.  I have surrounded myself with many friends, most of whom are practicing Christians.  I attend church with many people that I consider "family" and that family grows all the time.  If you were not blessed (?) with a large or any family at all it ok, you can pick the people you want in your family, which could be a better deal.  I'm happy with my relatives and all my family.

On this day
1979  It was a Sunday and we had a lot of snow.  Pat came over and plowed my driveway, my neighbor was not happy that he put the plowed snow on his property by the street.  I later had to go and shovel by shovel -  move it. But after my car was freed I took off over to Pat and Pams and then to my Mom's house in Royal Oak.  I picked up my brother Mark and took him to the show to see Animal House (good Sunday movie ?)  I had dinner at Mom's after the show and then went to play Racquetball with Diane, Karen and Bonnie.  I couldn't pick any of them out of a line up this many years later!  But it was a full day wasn't it?  What are you doing today?

1639 - Connecticut's first constitution, the "Fundamental Orders," was adopted. 
If you are interested!

Amy Linnéa Deasismont (born 15 April 1992), previously known under the stage name Amy Diamond, is a Swedish singer, actress, and television presenter. She is known for her single "What's in It for Me". The song was a 2005 hit in SwedenDenmarkNorway, and Finland. It was the most-played song in Poland that year; it remained in the top ten for four months. She has released six studio albums and performed on television as a singer, actress and hostess.[1][2]
To date, her biggest hits have been "What's In It For Me", "Welcome To The City", "Don't Cry Your Heart Out", "It Can Only Get Better", "Stay My Baby", "Is It Love", "Up" and "Thank You".
She is also the youngest person in Sweden to have released a Greatest Hits album
Amy Diamond singing in Uddevalla 2013-11-06.jpgLook it up on Utube!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Dawn!

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