Tuesday, January 16, 2018

January 16, 2018 Tuesday #Doyourbest!#Forgive#

Get Fit
New Pilates video - I don't have the stretchy band they use but it is basically the same Pilates moves I am used to.  I love the leg exercises but laying on my side on my hip doesn't work too well for me.   So, I have to renegotiate some of the positions to accomplish them.   Don't beat yourself up when you can't perform to their standards!  You be you and do what you can, just don't misjudge a position and hurt yourself. 

Get Faith
Luke 6:37  "Forgive, and you will be forgiven."  That is pretty simple isn't it?  Well, maybe.  We too often forget that our short comings or errors have been forgotten by others but do we repay that? Or do we labor over something that someone has done to us.  Do we carry a grudge?  "I can never forgive her for doing that"? kind of thing?"  Remembering those things are like having a ball and chain around your neck.  Bad for them, bad for you and horrible for your forgiveness.  Your Father in heaven knows how important it is for you to forgive others - so He has set the bar high for you to attain that forgiveness you want.  Give it a try!  You can do it.

On this day
1981  It was a Friday and my old boyfriend Denny called to see what I was doing.  I had plans.  Andy must have been working.  Adele brought Merri and Lindsey over along with the makings of a steak dinner and we had a girls night at my house.  (I wonder what movie the girls talked us into - like the night they assured me that their Mom let them watch Poltergeist.)  Nice memory of a winter evening.

1547 - Ivan the Terrible was crowned Czar of Russia. Who would crown this guy with that name?

Jonkoping Sweden
JonkopingHow nice does this look on this January day?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Cheryl!

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