Sunday, January 21, 2018

January 21, 2018 Sunday #Goodfriends#Moms#nationalchurch.

Get Faith
Proverbs 17:17  "A friend loves at all times"  I have a lot of friends - good friends that I am socially active with and see regularly.  They are different groups, different in age, background and finances.  They are all great people and I thank God for them.  People, sometimes separate themselves from the people they love for many reasons.  Drugs and alcohol are the first thing that comes to mind.  If you have developed a relationship with addictive behaviors you might not want your friends to see that or know that about you.  In your battle to be better than your weaknesses remember that above all Jesus is your best friend.  While you are searching for Him, remember the above verse.  Most people have a lot of people that love them, even if they don't think so.

On this day
1989  The only thing I wrote on this day was "Aaron went to Florida".  He was 11 so I know he didn't go alone or with friends.  It means that his mom, Kathy and Rick took him on vacation with them.  And it tells me that I was privy to that knowledge, Kathy and I were good mothers that loved the same son.  We shared a child and knew that we needed that camaraderie to make it work well and we did.  We still communicate but don't see each other as much as we should. 

 1812 - The Y-bridge in Zanesville, OH, was approved for construction. Why? and why is it news?

Jonkoping Sweden
The Church of Sweden (Svenska kyrkan) is Evangelical Lutheran and has its secretariat in Uppsala, a city that has been the centre of the Swedish church since the Middle Ages. The Church of Sweden has been separated from the state since 2000, which means that Sweden no longer has an official state church. While most countries in the world have no official religion, Sweden is in fact the only Nordic country without a state church, as Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Finland have all retained theirs.
Sixty-four per cent of the Swedish population are members of the Church of Sweden. It is only since 2000 that Swedes don’t automatically become a member at birth and record numbers of Swedes have left the church in recent years. A continued decline in membership is predicted as young Swedes fail to take the place of older members. Surveys also indicate that only eight per cent of Swedes attend any religious services regularly.  As sad there as it is here.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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