Thursday, May 31, 2018

May 31, 2018 Thursday#Hehears#cardio#family#Thessaloniki Greece!!

Get Faith
Psalm 10:17  "You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted, you encourage them, and you listen to their cry."  We go through different times in life.  Some are times of work, some are times of play,  some are family and child raising and some are starting over times.  I pray every morning and lately it has been to lead me in another new direction that will give me energy and joy.  Are you in an in between time?  Wondering if the rest of your life will be boring or empty?   God tells us to bring it to Him and He will hear and listen to our prayers.  Have faith.

Get Fit
Watching TV this morning and they were talking about Alzheimer's disease and how to combat it.  The most required thing to keep it away is exercise.  They mentioned at least 3 hours of hard exercise with 2/3 of it being cardio and 1/3 strength training a week.  Keep that in mind.

On this day
1981  I am very much a family person.  On this day I stopped at Andy's house, he, Adele and the girls had gone up north to their cabin in Roscommon and I checked the house for them.  Afterward, I picked up my brother Mark in Royal Oak to spend the evening and have dinner.  He was found in violation of his probation and had to report to jail the next day for a 60 day stay.  It broke my heart, but he broke the law, so.  Vic is mentioned calling on this day, and a few weeks before and after.  I have no recollection of him, but, I helped him pack and move.  It might have been one of the kids I had as a probation office volunteer or one in a million random friends I met in life. 

1433 - Sigismund was crowned emperor of Rome. 
Segismundo de Luxemburgo - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libreHow about that hat!!

Moving from Sofia to Thessaloniki Greece
Looks like a nice drive south.  It says it is a 3 1/2 hour trip!  Should be some good sights a long the way! 
 After my terrible experience transiting from Podgorica, Montenegro to Skopje, Macedonia, I finally arrived in Sofia, Bulgaria. Here, I will be meeting up with Karen who will be joining me for 10 days during the last 30 days travelling around the world. Sofia, Bulgaria was the cheapest flight that’s closest to Greece so she decided to fly there from Vancouver, Canada. Once she arrives, we will be going to Thessaloniki, Greece where we would start this part of the trip.  Found this travel log while searching for info on this trip.  He tells a good story about it.  
The hostel I stayed at was brand new and just opened. I quickly became friends with the owner as he gave me a tour of the city (Awesome guy!).
The next day, I picked up Karen from the airport and we stayed one more night in Sofia. As you can tell so far in this story, there’s really not much going on in Sofia. In the future, I would definitely return to visit the hostel owner again and to take a tour to see the Rila Monastery.

Taking the train from Sofia, Bulgaria to Thessaloniki, Greece

This is where the adventure finally starts. Karen and myself get tickets on the train going from Sofia to Thessaloniki.
Upon boarding the train, the first impression is that it was a really beat up train. Like, seriously beaten up. I felt like we were riding a wooden roller coaster instead of taking public transportation.
 ThessalonikiKaren enjoyed it; though, because it felt like an arcade game sitting on this really beat up train.
Along the way, the first bad thing happens to me…I got locked in the washroom.
At first, I was wondering why the washroom was left open before I used it. I go inside and shut the door. When I was ready to go out, that’s when it happened… I couldn’t open the door…
I didn’t want to panic. So, I carefully looked at the door and see if I need to unlock anything. Nope, there’s no lock in sight. What the hell! Am I trapped? I started aggressively opening the door but it won’t budge.
I then assumed, for the door to open, someone from the outside has to open it for me. Quickly, I began banging on the door really hard and screaming hoping someone would hear me. No one. Shit…what do I do now?
I paused for a second as I look at the door knob carefully. Then, I started moving the doorknob from different directions to see if I can pull it out. That’s when it suddenly unlocked!
I was definitely freaked out by the whole experience. Especially because I didn’t have a SIM card and I couldn’t have called anyone for help.
The next time I used the toilet, I made sure to leave the door open.  Lol  poor guy!  great story!
Thessaloniki        When we finally reached Thessaloniki, Karen and myself were really excited. Finally, we were in a major city in Greece!
As we walk towards our hotel, we were quite cheerful despite being tired. Thessaloniki seems like a nice city and we were looking forward to exploring the next day.

Exploring Thessaloniki  

I might just follow this pair and see where they go!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

May 30, 2018 Wednesday#Providedforandsaved#strong#Opera#AidainBulgaria!

Get Faith
Philippians 4:19 "And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."  Prayers are answered everyday.  Are you still here?  If you are reading this I assume you are, and on a computer of some sort, that you have food to eat and a place to live.  Life has not let you down.  Maybe, you have suffered some losses in your life, but life goes on and you miss them but hope to see them again.  In heaven.  Our Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit -  God is the way to heaven.  Build up your faith, your belief in God and let the Holy Spirit lead you to Jesus for the perfect path to having prayers answered and life eternal through salvation by Christ our Lord. 

Get Fit
Squats, side lunges, knee lifts, jumping jacks and deep lunges will get those legs in shape and strong for all the activities you want to do.  Don't just sit there!!!

On this day
1980  Chris and I went to the Traffic Jam for dinner and then to the N.Y. Met at the Masonic to see Aida.  It is Chris' favorite if I remember right.  She introduced me to Opera, well a few anyway and I appreciate it and also being noticed by Victor who worked the crowd for willing females for parties afterward.  Chris was married and would never, I considered it but didn't go.  I could have and did pick worse company then I think they would have been, maybe not, I'll never know.

 1980 - On "Midnight Special," the Temptations hosted. The guests were Firefall and Robbie Dupree.  Sounds like something I might have watched, had I been home.

Sofia Bulgaria Opera
Imagine my luck finding this!
We will be packing up and off to Greece in the next few days.  Get Some souvenirs!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Elizabeth!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May 29, 2018 Tuesday#thegoodlife#plank#MANicure#TheMerryMonarch#Music!

Get Faith
Isaiah 58:8  "If you do these things, God will shed his own glorious light upon you.  He will heal you, your godliness will lead you forward and goodness will be a shield before you, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind."  Do what things?  Be kind, love your neighbor, and forgive as He has forgiven you.  Be the kind of person that deserves all his glorious light, His healing, his shield and His protection.  It is so much easier to live the good life then that life where you have to keep looking over your shoulder to see your trouble following you.  Peace to you from God.

Get Fit
I got back to work with calisthenics and stretches this morning.  I was proud to do 2- 60 minute plank and 1- 30 minute plank.  That is good for me.  I can still push myself harder to achieve better results.  Do what you can!!

On this day
1979  I was working two jobs again.  My part time was Amway and that is probably why I stopped at the Chiropractor on my way home.  Pete and I had some good times and bad through the 70's and this must have been a good time.  I gave him a manicure when I got home.  It's a nice thing to do for your man, I think.  He liked it. (We aren't talking polish here, unless, it was clear.)

1660 - Charles II was restored to the English throne after the Puritan Commonwealth. Charles II, by name The Merry Monarch (born May 29, 1630, London—died Feb. 6, 1685, London),king of Great Britain and Ireland (1660–85), who was restored to the throne after years of exile during the Puritan Commonwealth. The years of his reign are known in English history as the Restoration period.  I thought the Puritans all came here.?

Sofia Bulgaria

The music of Bulgaria refers to all forms of music associated with the country of Bulgaria, including classical, folk, popular music, and other forms.
Classical music, opera, and ballet are represented by composers Emanuil ManolovPancho Vladigerov and Georgi Atanasov and singers Ghena DimitrovaMariana PaunovaBoris HristovRaina Kabaivanska and Nicolai Ghiaurov.[1][2][3][4] Notable names from the contemporary pop scene are Lili IvanovaEmil DimitrovVasil Naydenov. The State Television Female Vocal Choir is perhaps the Bulgarian folk choir best known around the world and received a Grammy Award in 1990.[5] Rhodope folk singer Valya Balkanska is known best for her recording of the folk song, Izlel e Delyo Haidutin, which is part of the Golden Disk sent into space with Voyager. Famous Bulgarian artists abroad are Tatiana Sarbinskaya, Sylvie VartanPhilipp KirkorovLucy DiakovskaMira AroyoMikhael PaskalevNora NovaVasko Vassilev, members of the Varimezov family such as Tzvetanka Varimezova and Ivan Varimezov, and Ivo Papazov. It is worth mentioning the late, great gaida player Vassil Bebelekov and his wife, Rhodope music singer Maria Bebelekova. She currently lives and teaches in San Jose. California. The Philip Kutev Ensemble, the first of the Bulgarian state-sponsored folk ensembles and founded in 1951, also is featured on the 1990 Grammy-winning album and has had many well-known Bulgarian folk singers, including, at present, Neli Andreeva and Sorina Bogomilova.
I found some very interesting modern and folk music under Music of Bulgaria. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Monday, May 28, 2018

May 28, 2018 Monday Memorial Day!#nongender#potato#boating#freedom

Get Faith
Proverbs 23:19  "Listen, my son (and daughter) , and be wise, and keep your heart on the right path." I think a lot about the wordage in the Bible and am aware that people were inspired to write The Word by God.  I am  thinking that God does not specify between men and woman in the Bible but that people (because we are human) have designated the difference.  Maybe it is the punishment we received for disobeying God in the first place.  I think gender is not important to God, that God sees us as His/Her children and that all advice is given to both, as the above - "Listen and be wise, and keep your heart on the right path."  What do you think?

Get Fit
I got nothing here today.  I ate too much and swam in the pool yesterday. I also followed around my 19 month old nephew Hudson for quite a while to soak up every bit of wonder he could share from his activity.    I'm looking forward to a relaxing, eating day today, because it is a holiday!  Try to eat healthy today and hey! you get some exercise.

On this day
1978  Another Memorial Day Sunday on the boat.  We picked up friends Charley and Robyn and headed out to Metro to meet up with Jim and Sharon.  We all went to Pouliotte's for breakfast and then to Jack and Audry's for a party.  After that we went to Brown's on Harson Island to eat and dance and then back to Metro.  We left the boat at D'Andreas lot on the Black River and went home.  This only makes sense to the people mentioned, but the joy of destination boating is to share with all my boater friends.  To run back across the lake was a lot of gas, you could stay on the boat or if needed, go home and go back in the morning to carry on.  Pete's boat only had the v bunks for sleeping and we probably had to take Charley and Robyn home.

1533 - England's Archbishop declared the marriage of King Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn valid. Seriously?  I think they married him in hopes they would outlive him before he divorced, annulled, or killed them.

Sofia Bulgaria Religion

Religion in Bulgaria (2011 census)[1]
  Not religious (9.3%)
  Islam (7.9%)
  Protestantism (0.9%)
  Catholicism (0.7%)
  Not declared (21.8%)
The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Sofia is among the largest Eastern Orthodox churches in the world and the cathedral church of the Patriarch of Bulgaria.
Religion in Bulgaria has been dominated by Christianity since its adoption as the state religion in 865. The dominant form of the religion is Eastern Orthodox Christianity within the fold of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. During the Ottoman rule of the BalkansSunni Islam spread in the territories of Bulgaria, and it remains a significant minority today. The Catholic Church has roots in the country since the Middle Ages, and Protestantism arrived in the 19th century.
In the latest years, there has been a decline of both the historic religions of Bulgaria—Orthodox Christianity and Islam—, which shrank respectively from 86% in 1992 to 84% in 2001 to 61% in 2011 and from 13% in 1992 to 12% in 2001 to 8% in 2011. In the 2011 census, the question about the religious affiliation became optional, and thus 21.8% of the total population didn't answer.[1] Until the census of 1992, Bulgarians were obliged to declare the historic religious belonging of their parents and/or ancestors, while since 2001 people were allowed to declare personal belief in a religion or unbelief in any religion (irreligion and atheism).[2] After the end of the People's Republic of Bulgaria (1946–1990), the revival of Islam was stronger than Orthodox Christianity.[2]With the international rise of Islamic terrorism in the 2000s, however, there was a growing disaffection for the Islamic religion among Bulgarians.[2] The Bulgarian Orthodox Church has seen the most serious decline from 2001 onwards.[2] The church's credibiliy has been undermined since the 1990s by its collaboration with the erstwhile Communist regime,[3] fully revealed with the opening of the state's secret archives in 2012, according to which eighty percent of the clergy were members of the secret police.[4]
The Constitution of Bulgaria designates Orthodox Christianity as the "traditional" religion of the country, but guarantees the free exercise of any religion.[5]Bulgaria has not experienced any significant ethnic or religious confrontation, unlike the case in former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. The religious communities in the country coexist peacefully. In fact, the capital Sofia is known for its so-called Square of Religious Tolerance; the St Nedelya ChurchSt Joseph CathedralBanya Bashi Mosque and Sofia Synagogue are located within metres of each other in the very centre of the city.  Enough said. informative.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Sunday, May 27, 2018

May 27, 2018 Sunday#Share#ThankaVet#nesting#WTCclimber#ShopskaSalata!

Get Faith
Romans 12:13 "Share with the Lord's people who are in need.  Practice hospitality."  The Bible does differentiate between the children of men and the children of God.  This verse sounds like it is directed at the children of God - but, Jesus led us to love one another and that everyone is our neighbor.  I am inclined to believe that we should help all people in need without questioning their background, heritage or beliefs.  What a wonderful world we could have.

Get Fit
It's the holiday weekend!  Tell me you are going to the lake or the pool, a bike ride, a picnic with friends and family!  Get some moves on!  Enjoy the fresh air.  I don't know about you but, our air is going to be hot, so, if you will be out in the heat, make sure you drink plenty of water and use that sunscreen!!! And remember our veterans!  Those that died in the service of this country and other countries to preserve peace and life as we know it.  God Bless America.

On this day
1977  I had moved to this house in the spring and Pete decided to build a stand up head in his boat.  So it was busy days getting things settled.  This was a Friday and I spent my time after work, keeping up with friends and family.  I called Waynette, (who I will spend today with 41 years later) and cousins Kathy and Kay.  Then spent the rest of the evening reading, which I did a lot of then. I'm beginning to think all those romance stories had nothing to do with real love and real life.

1977 - George H. Willig was fined for scaling the World Trade Center in New York on May 26. He was fined $1.10. 

Sofia Bulgaria Cuisine
1. Shopska Salata
Shopska Salad
There isn’t more beloved salad in Bulgaria than Shopska Salata. It is simple, fresh and perfect for the summer. You may think that there’s nothing special in just some chopped vegetables, but you will be wrong.
Our special ingredient – Bulgarian white cheese (Sirene), is what makes this salad so good. Our Sirene is made with the help of a unique bacteria which lives only in Bulgaria. That’s why Bulgarian white cheese is the best andShopska Salata is absolutely required on your to-try list! You can find Shopska Salata in any traditional restaurant in the capital. (Shopska Salata recipe)
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Ed (Rip) Dolly Pierre and Claire!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

May 26, 2018 Saturday#Search#Bikeride!!#Boaters!#EvelKnievel#Cinema

Get Faith
Jeremiah 29:12-13  "Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when your search for Me with all your heart."  I find myself saying prayers that I have said since I was 12 years old - and when I finish, I'm not sure, I don't remember saying them all.  Very often I fall asleep in the middle of my prayers.  I am comforted by the knowledge that God knows what is in my heart before I do.  My soul prays for me when I am not conscious.  Search for your faith with all your heart and God will hear you.

Get Fit
Come on!  Summer is here!  Get moving on those activities that make you feel so much better, stronger, leaner, and able!  I picked Pilates today.  I really like the balance and core strength I feel after I'm done.  Do what you like!! But do something!

On this day
1975  Let the boating begin!  It was Memorial Day weekend - Monday and Pete decided not to risk our relationship and didn't go to Put in Bay with the guys.  We were lucky to get a well at Metropolitan Beach (they were like hen's teeth on holidays)  and I listed a million friends that we hadn't seen since last summer.  We were boaters.  Most of them, I didn't even know where they lived or what type of home they had or work they did.  We were all boaters.  But Metro wasn't the only place to go.  We left Metro and headed over to Ford's cove and tied off of Rocky for a while and then headed to the marina and found Pat and Pam, who I am still very good friend with, not just boaters.

1975 - American stuntman Evel Knievel suffered severe spinal injuries in Britain when he crashed while attempting to jump 13 buses in his car.  we were always waiting for his final crash, what a nut.
I'm pretty sure he had more scars than brains.

Sofia Bulgaria

Vitosha Boulevard, the main shopping street in the city.
Cinema is the most popular form of entertainment. In recent years, cinematic venues have been concentrated in trade centres and malls, and independent halls have been closed. Mall of Sofia holds one of the largest IMAX cinemas in Europe. Most films are American productions, although European and domestic films are increasingly shown. Odeon (not part of the Odeon Cinemas chain) shows exclusively European and independent American films, as well as 20th century classics. Bulgaria's once thriving film industry, concentrated in the Boyana Film studios, has suffered a period of decline since 1990. A relative revival of the industry began after 2001. After the acquisition of Boyana Film by Nu Image, several moderately successful productions have been shot in and around Sofia, such as The ContractThe Black DahliaHitman and Conan the Barbarianand Spartacus. The Nu Boyana Film studios have also hosted some of the scenes for The Expendables 2.
The city houses many cultural institutes such as the Russian Cultural Institute, the Polish Cultural Institute, the Hungarian Institute, the Czech and the Slovak Cultural Institutes, the Italian Cultural Institute, the French Cultural Institute, Goethe InstitutBritish CouncilInstituto Cervantes, and the Open Society Institute, which regularly organise temporary expositions of visual, sound and literary works by artists from their respective countries.
Some of the biggest telecommunications companies, TV and radio stations, newspapers, magazines, and web portals are based in Sofia, including the Bulgarian National TelevisionbTV and Nova TV. Top-circulation newspapers include 24 Chasa and TrudGo shopping but let's not spend the day in a movie theater today - well maybe after dinner it would be nice to sit and watch a movie!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Friday, May 25, 2018

May 25, 2018 Friday#Theway#Resist!!#Peterthenemesis#SofiaParade

Get Faith
John 14:6  "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.""  When I was young I was always searching for what I wanted, or who.  It is sad to live most of your life searching for answers when they are right in front of you.  God created us and all that is in the world, don't you suppose He knows best what you need?  If you need it explained - ask His Son Jesus and He can help you find the way and the truth and the life. 

Get Fit
Nicole bought me a set of three resistance bands at Christmas and there is a list of exercises to work out the legs and arms with them.  It reminds me of the therapists that come after someone has surgery or an illness that laid them up for a length of time.  I just like a variety and figure it should cover everything eventually.  (Along with cutting back on the calories)

On this day
1974  I was living in my house in Birmingham and dating Pete.  He was my nemesis for most of the 70's.  I had just met him the summer before and he was a much better boyfriend in the winter than he was in the summer.  His 31' foot boat went into the water and became his first love and all the activity that went with it.  I enjoyed the boat also but was uninvited for the holiday weekends while he went to Put In Bay, Ohio.  On this Friday before Memorial day - I just broke up with him I was so mad.  Oh the heartache of young love....I went to a little Bistro on Maple, all by myself and drank. 

1085 - Alfonso VI took Toledo, Spain from the Moslems. Alfonso from FHV?  was this supposed to be Muslims?  

Sofia Bulgaria Celebrations

Bulgaria: The Military Parade for the Celebration of the Bulgarian ArmyHey it looks like our Memorial Day Parade!!
On the occasion of the Day of Courage and celebration of the Bulgarian Army in Sofia are organized a number of celebrations. The May 6th commemoration will begin with a blessings of battle flags and banners before the Monument of the Unknown Soldier, and then continue with the traditional military parade.  We are more alike than different

Enjoy the day!! Make it memorable!  

Thursday, May 24, 2018

May 24, 2018 Thursday#Myjoy#Celebrate#responsibly#Cyril&Methodius!

Get Faith
Ephesians 4:32  "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."  Be like Jesus, in other words, our greatest example of how to live.  My daughter is the best practicer (is that a word)  I know of when I think of this.  Today is her 33rd birthday and I can't guess what my life would be like if she hadn't been born 33 years ago, and I don't want to.  It actually frightens me to think about it.  Not only did I get to be a mom, and enjoy everyday life experiences with her, but in my demand to keep her in the faith, my faith has been restored and I am a much better person.  God blessed me on this day and everyday of my life with Nicole.  I know her life will be rich in joy and faith as she spends her life with Kristin. 

I celebrated by dancing like David this morning.  Only, it was with Richard.  The great thing is you get to sing while you are dancing - Soul Man.........

On this day
1968  My life when I was 21 and undecided was typical for the times I think.  I  was going to be married later in the year but for now - Don was off riding his motorcycle with the club (Highwaymen) to the Drifters clubhouse.  I went out with Sandy, Jeanie, Nancy and John to the Grandale Lounge.  It was a local place we went to dance and drink.  It was a way different world back then.  I was more worried about crashing and hurting my car than getting arrested for drunk driving.  It is a miracle we survived those days.

1624 - After years of unprofitable operation Virginia’s charter was revoked and it became a royal colony. That's what happens if you don't do well - you get revoked, ouch.

Sofia Bulgaria
May 24:  Sts. Cyril and Methodius Day (celebrating Bulgarian culture and the Cyrillic alphabet; closures)

Saints Cyril and Methodius (826–869, 815–885; GreekΚύριλλος καὶ ΜεθόδιοςOld Church SlavonicКѷриллъ и Меѳодїи[more]) were two brothers who were Byzantine Christian theologians and Christian missionaries. Through their work they influenced the cultural development of all Slavs, for which they received the title "Apostles to the Slavs". They are credited with devising the Glagolitic alphabet, the first alphabet used to transcribe Old Church Slavonic.[4] After their deaths, their pupils continued their missionary work among other Slavs. Both brothers are venerated in the Orthodox Church as saints with the title of "equal-to-apostles". In 1880, Pope Leo XIII introduced their feast into the calendar of the Roman Catholic Church. In 1980, Pope John Paul II declared them co-patron saints of Europe, together with Benedict of Nursia.[5]  AND the Methodist church was established on this day!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Nicole and Linda

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

May 23, 2018 Wednesday#Loveandfavor#CKbusy#MissNicole#Rilamonastery

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 16:23  "May the love and favor of the Lord Jesus Christ rest upon you."  What a wonderful prayer for someone.  This should go viral.

Get Fit
Today I will be on the move - at work.  It is impossible to sit for long there so I'm planning on racking up a lot of steps.  Not to mention the getting up and down from the chair (squats) and exercising my brain and my patience!  Maybe a walk when I get home, if I still can - oh meeting Sherry for dinner so there's that.  Tomorrow!  Don't let your work out get skipped for too long!

On this day
2016  It is that time of year, it seems like every year she leaves for camp a little earlier.  I don't blame her, it is a great place to be and I thank God she has camp - where she gets to be one with nature and God for the whole summer.  It was on this day 2 years ago she left, the day before her birthday - I think she just doesn't like the birthday cakes I make her - jk.  I bought her a bumpy cake before she left this year.  I'm always a little sad when she leaves but my busy life doesn't allow for wallowing.  I had to work at CK that year and had a doctor appointment later in the day and then dinner with Grace Circle at Gilbert's. Hey!  I'm meeting Sherry at Gilbert's tonight!  History DOES repeat itself!

1533 - Henry VIII’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon was declared null and void. On your worse day be thankful you were never married to Henry!

Sofia Bulgaria
Rila Monastery and Boyana Church Day...Lift your sights beyond Sofia to visit two of Bulgaria’s historical must-sees in one day—quite a feat to achieve independently. See Bulgaria’s countryside on a drive south, and tour the medieval Rila Monastery with a guide to do its history and treasures justice. Then return to Sofia’s outskirts to visit and learn about fresco-filled Boyana Church. Lunch and entrance fees are at your expense, but all transportation is included  How beautiful nestled into those mountains in the back.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

May 22, 2018 Tuesday#Jonah#TightenUp#trooper#Pubcrawl!!!

Get Faith
Jonah -  You can read the whole book of Jonah in 5 minutes.  The big story we tell in Sunday School is that Jonah was swallowed by a whale and survived - due to God saving him.  I think the bigger part of this story is how Jonah acts and reacts to God.  First he runs away because he doesn't want to do what God asks him to do.  He had lost his knowledge of who God is and what He can do.  God really wants Jonah to own up to his responsibilities and does not allow him to skip out.  Even, after God saves him from the belly of the whale, Jonah is disappointed in God's response to the people of Nineveh and goes off to mope and die.  Do you see yourself in this story?  I do a million times, but I'm getting better at trusting in the Lord.  Keep at it!

Get Fit
Thought I would continue with the weights today and strengthen my muscles for the yard work that I need to do.  Good muscle strength plus, good vision and hearing can keep us healthy and moving well into our 80's and 90's.  It is a choice we have to make if we want a better life for the years we have ahead.  Weight lifting is of course good at any age, especially with the summer coming on, you might want to tighten up!  Remember that song?

On this day
2015  I spent most of the day getting ready for our annual party.  We always celebrated Nicole's birthday, which turned into a kegger for her friends, which soon included my friends.  We cleaned the garage, borrowed yard furniture from the neighbors and I cooked.  Andy and Alice came down for this one and of course to visit Mom at Beechwood and see the girls.  That evening we had tickets for the baseball game with Christ Lutheran so, Nicole, Don and I drove down, met Nicole's friend Nikki and went to the game.  That was the game that Don misstepped on some broken concrete and face planted.  In typical "guy" fashion - "I'm fine!"  it was game on!
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, closeup and outdoor  What a trooper!!

1455 - King Henry VI was taken prisoner by the Yorkists at the Battle of St. Albans, during the War of the Roses. See what I mean about "it's all about the wars"?

Sofia Bulgaria Sightseeing

Sofia Pub Crawl Tour of The Hidden Unique Bars

  • Experience a new side of Sofia and meet new friends, local and international
  • Discover four hidden bars and finish the night in a club
  • Enjoy three free beers and other liquid freebies   This sounds perfect for our group!!!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Monday, May 21, 2018

May 21, 2018 Monday#Abused#energize#alwaysbusy#Museum!!

Get Faith
Luke 6:27-36  "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."  I got hooked into reading a litany on Facebook this morning about a person who was completely disregarded by his family his entire life.  I find it hard to believe that while his brother got CD players and the like, he would get old rusty trash in a dirty box from the garage for Christmas.  This person goes on and on about a lifetime of abuse from his family.  He is now an adult, self supporting and successful - but, still goes back for holidays for more of the same.  As I said, I find it hard to believe that anyone that would suffer a lifetime of this treatment, would 1. Go back for more and 2. be successful in life, but, maybe he reads the Bible and this verse particularly.  It is good advise, more for you than the others.

Get Fit
Jillian and I went head to head today.  I did pretty well considering I have felt un-energetic lately. When you are successful at working out first thing it sets you up for more energy and confidence all through the day!  Give it a try.

On this day
2014  Was a Wednesday, a busy day.  I took Mom to the foot doctor.  Dr Warren told me he had known my Mom longer that he was married to his wife - and he had teenage boys!  He made calls to her at Beechwood, the last place she was.  After that I went to the garden center ($) and bought flowers stopped at Wendy's for lunch with Mom (we loved the chicken pecan salad) and then worked in the yard all day.  I got cleaned up later and went to an old friend from boat racing, Barb Rinke's funeral and later heard from Don that he didn't feel well enough to go to our dance lesson that night.  We took classes for 3 years I think, it had to be bad for him to miss.  What are you doing today!?

1471 - King Henry VI was killed in the tower of London. Edward IV took the throne. From all I heard I would stay out of that tower.

Sofia Bulgaria
The National Opera and Ballet of Bulgaria is a combined opera and ballet collective, established in 1891. However, it did not begin performances on a regular basis until 1909. Some of Bulgaria's most famous operatic singers, such as Nicolai Ghiaurov and Ghena Dimitrova, have made their first appearances on the stage of the National Opera and Ballet. The National Palace of Culture regularly hold classical concerts. Bulgaria's largest art museums are located in the central areas of the city. Two emblematic galleries in Sofia – the National Art Gallery and the National Gallery for Foreign Art united their collections in a new structure. Seven Ministers of Culture have worked on this project over the years. The project gathered under one roof a host of Bulgarian, European, American, Asian and African works of art. Nearly two thousand works created by artists from Bulgaria and abroad are on display in twenty eight exhibition halls. Following a special competition, the art collection was named National Gallery Square 500 (source). Its collections encompass diverse cultural items such as Ashanti Empire sculptures, Buddhist art, Dutch Golden Age painting, works by Albrecht DürerJean-Baptiste Greuze and Auguste Rodin, among others. The cryptof the Alexander Nevsky cathedral holds a collection of Eastern Orthodox icons from the 9th to the 19th century. Other museums are the National Historical Museum with a collection of more than 600,000 items; the National Polytechnical Museum with more than 1,000 technological items on display; the National Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Natural History. The SS. Cyril and Methodius National Library houses the largest national collection of books and documents (1,714,211 books and some 6 million other documents)[113] and is Bulgaria's oldest cultural institute. The Boyana Church, a UNESCO World Heritage site, contains realistic frescoes, depicting more than 240 human images and a total 89 scenes, were painted. With their vital, humanistic realism they are a Renaissance phenomenon at its culmination phase in the context of the common-European art.[114] Muzeiko is a new museum opened in 2015. It is a space with over 130 interactive games created for children and curious adults. The entire content of the museum is designed to inspire children to learn, discover and explore the sciences, while helping children, their families and educators spend time together actively and effectively.[citation neededI would think because of the ancient history and location of this 
country, this would be a super interesting museum to visit!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sande!!