Wednesday, May 2, 2018

May 2, 2018 Wednesday #Bestrong#Godourhopeandpeace#friends#Spithead#ancienthistory!

Get Fit
Simple workout with resistant bands.  Legs, butt, arms and back get a good workout.  Resist weakness!

Get Faith
1 John 4:13-16  "My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God."  A favorite hymn of mine lately says, "I'm desperate for you", speaking to God.  The study writer of this message says this.  "How good it is to know that the longing of our hearts for God are also met with love.  The Bible assures us that we can "know and rely on the love God has for us."  God doesn't love us because of anything we have or haven't done.  His love isn't based on our worthiness at all, but on His goodness and faithfulness.  When the world around us is unloving and unkind, we can rely on God's unchanging love as our source of hope and peace." 

On this day
1988  My friends Ty and Norma had a guy in doing some work at their house.  Now that I think about it, they have had a lot of these days.  Their houses are always beautifully remodeled and decorated and I'm sure it was a pleasure spending the day there while they were at work.  We (Nicole and I)
 were available for bird sitting for them for a while also - that was more dangerous (Jack was an African Grey and only loved Norma).  Love my friends.  Take care of them, they are priceless!

1797 - A mutiny in the British navy spread from Spithead to the rest of the fleet. 
Spithead is an area of the Solent and a roadstead off Gilkicker Point in HampshireEngland. It is protected from all winds, except those from the southeast.. In case you wondered like I did.

Sofia Bulgaria

For the longest time the city possessed[22] a Thracian name, derived from the tribe Serdi, who were either of Thracian,[15][17] Celtic,[23]or mixed Thracian-Celtic origin.[24][25] The Serdi and the name of emperor Marcus Ulpius Traianus (53 – 117 AD) prompted the Romans to give the city the combinative name of Ulpia Serdica;[26][27] Ulpia is derived from an Umbrian cognate of the Latin word lupus, meaning "wolf."[28] It seems that the first written mention of Serdica was made during his reign and the last mention was in the 19th century in a Bulgarian text (Сардакіи, Sardaki). During the Romans civitas Serdenisium was mentioned the "brightest city of the Serdi" in official inscriptions. The city was major throughout the past ever since Antiquity,[citation needed] when Roman emperor Constantine the Great referred to it as "my Rome", and it nearly became his capital.[22]  Quite an ancient history in 
this area!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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