Saturday, May 19, 2018

May 19, 2018, Saturday#Getbusy#Faith#LakeshoreHouse#Crime

Get Fit
Pilates this morning - I finally got my laptop working to show my videos.  I find I do a lot of Pilates and yoga.  Occasionally I go on a binge with the weights.  I like to peruse the internet and see the variety of workouts, but at my age I have to adjust some of them to accommodate myself.  Check it out there are so many - or do you go to the gym?  It's summer - get busy!!!

Get Faith
Daniel 3:8-18  Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego were the three men thrown into the fiery furnace because they would not worship the gods of Babylon.  They told the king that their God would save them from the fiery furnace -(here's the catch) even if He didn't, they would still worship God and not their false gods.  He did save them but, there are many times when we do suffer loss on this earth.  It is not the worse thing that can happen to you - losing your faith in God and your future with Him - now that is much worse.

On this day
2012  It was a Saturday and the women from my church went to The Lakeshore House for an informational gathering.  I believe it has moved from that site but, still does the same good work.  Our Pastor's wife Carolyn was very involved as it was also, as a nurse, her line of work.  Lakeshore House comforts, educates and supports people whose family are going through bad times due to cancer.  It is devastating to families when someone gets cancer.  They are effected by financial and emotional problems.  Their time and entire lives are turned upside down.  More places are providing this service as they realize that some families never recover.  God bless the people that operate these non profits, do the fundraising and give of their time to help others.  Carolyn later was diagnosed with breast cancer but pulled through.  I'm sure many people were there to help her. Pastor had retired and they move away before that.

1536 - Anne Boleyn, the second wife of England's King Henry VIII, was beheaded after she was convicted of adultery. To put into prospective this was the time of Martin Luther.  How many of us would be walking around headless today?  Well ok, not walking around.

Sofia Bulgaria


police box in Sofia
With a murder rate of 1.8/per 100.000 people (as of 2009) Sofia is a quite safe capital city.[102] Nevertheless, in the 21st century, crimes, including Bulgarian mafia killings, caused problems in the city,[103] where authorities had difficulties convicting the actors,[104] which had caused the European Commission to warn the Bulgarian government that the country would not be able to join the EU unless it curbed crime[105] (Bulgaria eventually joined in 2007).[106] Many of the most severe crimes are contract killings connected to the organised crime, but these had dropped in recent years after several arrests of gang members.[107] Corruption in Bulgaria also affects Sofia's authorities. According to the director of Sofia District Police Directorate the largest share of the crimes are thefts, making up 62.4% of all crimes in the capital city. Increasing are fraudsdrug-related crimes, petty theft and vandalism.[108] According to a survey, almost a third of Sofia's residents say that they never feel safe in the Bulgarian capital, while 20% always feel safe.[109] As of 2015 the consumer-reported perceived crime risk on the Numbeo database was "high" for theft and vandalism and "low" for violent crimes; safety while walking during daylight was rated "very high", and "moderate" during the night.[110] With 1,600 prisoners the incarceration rate is above 0.1%;[111] however, roughly 70% of all prisoners are part of the Romani minority.[112]  Check out the similarities in Bulgaria vs everywhere else in the world!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Annie and Elyse

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