Saturday, May 12, 2018

May 12, 2018 Saturday#Powerstorm#Watered#Busydays#Jimmy&Castro#Russiasave!

Get Fit
There is nothing like waking up to a huge thunderstorm that sounds like it is IN your yard.  The lightening and thunder rocked the house and the yard is flooded front to back.  Ah, spring in Michigan!  I was afraid to use any electric things till the lightening calmed down.  So I sat bundled up and watched the storm from inside my dry (I hope) house.  The cat hung close too and would jump at the loud noises.  Sometime you need to remember that somethings are much stronger than we are and should be appreciated.  (PS  I didn't exercise today)

Get Faith
Isaiah 58:11  "And the Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your desire with good things, and make your bones strong, and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters fail not."  How appropriate a reading was that?  So I am reassured that God will make my bones strong and I will be watered indeed.  I love God!

On this day
2002  It was a busy day at church on this Sunday.  The youth had a bake sale to raise money for their work camp coming up.  I had to fill in for the High School Sunday School class teacher and then Mom, Nicole, Craig and I went to church.  That is a happy memory for me because it was Mothers Day and I had my mom.  Aaron called to wish me Happy Mothers day and Jan came over to give Nicole a guitar lesson.  It does mention that it was also a rainy day.  I have a couple activities I was planning on attending today and hope I still can.  How do you handle a rainy day?  A good book always sounds good and I have one.

2002 - Former U.S. President Carter arrived in Cuba for a visit with Fidel Castro. It was the first time a U.S. head of state, in or out of office, had gone to the island since Castro's 1959 revolution. Anybody remember this?  Good ole Jimmy Carter!

Sofia Bulgaria
During the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78Suleiman Pasha threatened to burn the city in defence, but the foreign diplomats Leandre Legay, Vito Positano, Rabbi Gabriel Almosnino and Josef Valdhart refused to leave the city thus saving it. Many Bulgarian residents of Sofia armed themselves and sided with the Russian forces.[76] Sofia was relieved (see Battle of Sofia) from Ottoman rule by Russian forces under Gen. Iosif Gurko on 4 January 1878. It was proposed as a capital by Marin Drinov and was accepted as such on 3 April 1879. By the time of its liberation the population of the city was 11,649.[77]
Most mosques in Sofia were destroyed in that war, seven of them destroyed in one night in December 1878 when a thunderstorm masked the noise of the explosions arranged by Russian military engineers.[78][79] Following the war, the great majority of the Muslim population left Sofia.[72]
For a few decades after the liberation, Sofia experienced large population growth, mainly by migration from other regions of the Principality (Kingdom since 1908) of Bulgaria, and from the still Ottoman Macedonia and Thrace.
In 1900 the first electric lightbulb in the city was turned on.[80]  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Michelle, Stephani, Jenny and 
Tommy and Dan!!

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