Friday, May 25, 2018

May 25, 2018 Friday#Theway#Resist!!#Peterthenemesis#SofiaParade

Get Faith
John 14:6  "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.""  When I was young I was always searching for what I wanted, or who.  It is sad to live most of your life searching for answers when they are right in front of you.  God created us and all that is in the world, don't you suppose He knows best what you need?  If you need it explained - ask His Son Jesus and He can help you find the way and the truth and the life. 

Get Fit
Nicole bought me a set of three resistance bands at Christmas and there is a list of exercises to work out the legs and arms with them.  It reminds me of the therapists that come after someone has surgery or an illness that laid them up for a length of time.  I just like a variety and figure it should cover everything eventually.  (Along with cutting back on the calories)

On this day
1974  I was living in my house in Birmingham and dating Pete.  He was my nemesis for most of the 70's.  I had just met him the summer before and he was a much better boyfriend in the winter than he was in the summer.  His 31' foot boat went into the water and became his first love and all the activity that went with it.  I enjoyed the boat also but was uninvited for the holiday weekends while he went to Put In Bay, Ohio.  On this Friday before Memorial day - I just broke up with him I was so mad.  Oh the heartache of young love....I went to a little Bistro on Maple, all by myself and drank. 

1085 - Alfonso VI took Toledo, Spain from the Moslems. Alfonso from FHV?  was this supposed to be Muslims?  

Sofia Bulgaria Celebrations

Bulgaria: The Military Parade for the Celebration of the Bulgarian ArmyHey it looks like our Memorial Day Parade!!
On the occasion of the Day of Courage and celebration of the Bulgarian Army in Sofia are organized a number of celebrations. The May 6th commemoration will begin with a blessings of battle flags and banners before the Monument of the Unknown Soldier, and then continue with the traditional military parade.  We are more alike than different

Enjoy the day!! Make it memorable!  

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