Sunday, May 20, 2018

May 20, 2018 Sunday#Sales#HopeintheLord#gardening#Gascony#IvanVazovNationalTheatre!

Get Fit
Great time to hunt down those fitness equipment pieces at garage sales!  or a bike!!  Get pedaling!

Get Faith
Isaiah 40:31  "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength,  They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  One of my favorites.  When you are down what you need is hope, hope to be up - active and strong.  Put your hope in the Lord - the creator of life, the creator of energy that gives us the power to live a good healthy life.  Trust in Him to restore you, and get moving.

On this day
2013  It was 80 degrees and I worked out in the yard.  I always loved working in the garden but my social life and finances kept it from being in Home and Garden.  What are your favorites?  Do you have any in your yard?  I love lilac's but have not been able to grow them.  My neighbor down the street told me to come over and dig up some of his starters so I might try that.  Maybe I will go see what color petunia's they are selling this year.  Mom loved red flowers.  It is overcast and cool today, maybe better for working in the yard. 

1303 - A peace treaty was signed between England and France over the town of Gascony. 
Local author Caroline Newark spoke about a royal marriage to seal a peace treaty between England and France when she introduced her latest novel, The Pearl Of France, at Crewkerne Library on Tuesday morning. Caroline’s 19 times great-grandmother Marguerite was the inspiration for the new book. Marguerite of France, the half sister of King Philip IV married King Edward 1 in September 1299 at Canterbury Cathedral. The arranged marriage between the 19 year old French girl and the 60 year old King of England was sanctioned by the Pope and sealed the peace treaty between the two countries, who had been at war for five years over the region of Gascony in south west France.  TMI?  

Sofia Bulgaria
Sofia concentrates the majority of Bulgaria's leading performing arts troupes. Theatre is by far the most popular form of performing art, and theatrical venues are among the most visited, second only to cinemas. The oldest such institution is the Ivan Vazov National Theatre, which performs mainly classical plays and is situated in the very centre of the city.
  Shall we go?

Enjoy the day! Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Jen!!

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