Thursday, May 10, 2018

May 9, 2018 #Reprint from 2016

Get Fit
I worked out my legs this morning, what do you feel needs some work?

Get Faith
Psalm 133:1  "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"    Why can't we just get along?  I say that a lot especially watching the news.  It has to start somewhere, in families with children learning the importance of caring for one another.  The church is a good place to have that unity and learn where it comes from - God.  Jesus showed us the unity he had with his disciples and followers and tried to teach them - "love one another".  Still hoping it will catch on.

On this day
1980 - A friend and I went to O'Grady's and had dinner.  I mentioned in my journal we were drinking English Saddles.  My friend was Sharon, who I have lost touch with, but I can't remember where O'Grady's was or what English Saddles were.  Anybody?

1980 - A Liberian freighter hit the Sunshine Skyway Bridge over Tampa Bay in Florida. 35 motorists were killed and a 1,400-foot section of the bridge collapsed. Here is something else from that day that I don't remember, surprising considering I spent some teenage years in that bridge area.  Makes me wonder what was in those English Saddle drinks.

I envisioned my retirement in my yard in the summer, writing and enjoying social time.  I am no longer capable of running after the almighty dollar, which I was never really good at, it didn't mean that much to me.  The things I wanted to do, I did and apparently making a lot of money wasn't one of them.  I have always survived.  I have to let a good friend down and tell him I can't work in his high stress business as we agreed for the summer, my health won't put up with it.  I hope we can still be friends.  This is not me telling him, he doesn't read this.  What's important to you?

Quebec City

Quebec City Walking Tour

Experience the period charm of Old Quebec on a two-hour guided walking tour of this historic city's many highlights. This leisurely paced, downhill ... Read more
Location: Quebec City, Canada   
Quebec City Walking Tour, Quebec City, Full-day Tours  Let's do this today!  
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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