Thursday, May 3, 2018

May 3, 2018 Thursday #Green#waa,waa,waa#weekendsareforkids#Sofia!

Get Fit

Check this out, but, I think it is for medical marijuana.

Get Faith
Exodus is the book we are still studying in Thursday morning Bible study.  It is amazing to me how patient and forgiving our God is.  With all the miracles that were shown, and, how God had Moses lead them out of slavery in Egypt, all they could do is complain.  How soon we forget the wonderful things that God does for us.  Every day is a gift, every healing a miracle.  His love abounds and His mercy is endless.  Try not to complain.

On this day
1991  I very often picked up Aaron after school on Friday and brought him home for the weekend.  This day he had a hockey game so we went straight there, Nicole too, and watched his game before we went home.  Our weekends were all about the kids and their activities.  I loved it.  What will you do with your weekend now that Spring is really here??

1802 - Washington, DC, was incorporated as a city.   I have mixed feelings about this.

Sofia Bulgaria
Other names given to Sofia, such as Serdonpolis (Σερδών πόλις, "City of the Serdi" in Greek) and Triaditza (Τριάδιτζα, "Trinity" in Greek), were mentioned by Byzantine Greek sources or coins. The Slavic name Sredets (Срѣдецъ), which is related to "middle" (среда, "sreda") and to the city's earliest name, first appeared on paper in an 11th-century text. The city was called Atralissa by the Arab traveller Idrisi and StrelisaStralitsa or Stralitsion by the Crusaders.[29]
The name Sofia comes from the Saint Sofia Church,[30] as opposed to the prevailing Slavic etymology among Bulgarian cities and towns. The name of this church ultimately comes from the Greek word σοφός, meaning "wise," or "skilled.[31] The earliest works where this latest name is registered are the duplicate of the Gospel of Serdica, in a dialogue between two salesmen from Dubrovnikaround 1359, in the 14th-century Vitosha Charter of Bulgarian tsar Ivan Shishman and in a Ragusan merchant's notes of 1376.[32] In these documents the city is called Sofia, but at the same time the region and the city's inhabitants are still called Sredecheski(срѣдечьскои, "of Sredets"), which continued until the 20th century. The city became somehow popular to the Ottomans by the name Sofya (صوفيه). In 1879 there was a dispute about what the name of the new Bulgarian capital should be, when the citizens created a committee of famous people, insisting for the Slavic name. Gradually, a compromise arose, officialisation of Sofia for the nationwide institutions, while legitimating the title Sredets for the administrative and church institutions, before the latter was abandoned through the years.[33]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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