Tuesday, May 22, 2018

May 22, 2018 Tuesday#Jonah#TightenUp#trooper#Pubcrawl!!!

Get Faith
Jonah -  You can read the whole book of Jonah in 5 minutes.  The big story we tell in Sunday School is that Jonah was swallowed by a whale and survived - due to God saving him.  I think the bigger part of this story is how Jonah acts and reacts to God.  First he runs away because he doesn't want to do what God asks him to do.  He had lost his knowledge of who God is and what He can do.  God really wants Jonah to own up to his responsibilities and does not allow him to skip out.  Even, after God saves him from the belly of the whale, Jonah is disappointed in God's response to the people of Nineveh and goes off to mope and die.  Do you see yourself in this story?  I do a million times, but I'm getting better at trusting in the Lord.  Keep at it!

Get Fit
Thought I would continue with the weights today and strengthen my muscles for the yard work that I need to do.  Good muscle strength plus, good vision and hearing can keep us healthy and moving well into our 80's and 90's.  It is a choice we have to make if we want a better life for the years we have ahead.  Weight lifting is of course good at any age, especially with the summer coming on, you might want to tighten up!  Remember that song?

On this day
2015  I spent most of the day getting ready for our annual party.  We always celebrated Nicole's birthday, which turned into a kegger for her friends, which soon included my friends.  We cleaned the garage, borrowed yard furniture from the neighbors and I cooked.  Andy and Alice came down for this one and of course to visit Mom at Beechwood and see the girls.  That evening we had tickets for the baseball game with Christ Lutheran so, Nicole, Don and I drove down, met Nicole's friend Nikki and went to the game.  That was the game that Don misstepped on some broken concrete and face planted.  In typical "guy" fashion - "I'm fine!"  it was game on!
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, closeup and outdoor  What a trooper!!

1455 - King Henry VI was taken prisoner by the Yorkists at the Battle of St. Albans, during the War of the Roses. See what I mean about "it's all about the wars"?

Sofia Bulgaria Sightseeing

Sofia Pub Crawl Tour of The Hidden Unique Bars

  • Experience a new side of Sofia and meet new friends, local and international
  • Discover four hidden bars and finish the night in a club
  • Enjoy three free beers and other liquid freebies   This sounds perfect for our group!!!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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