Sunday, May 13, 2018

May 13, 2018 Sunday Mothers Day#NearertoGod#Physicsandrollercoasters#lasthistorylesson

Get Faith
Psalm 73:28  "It is good to be near God."  It definitely is.  Being in church this morning, sitting next to my daughter was the best place in the world to be.  I give thanks to God for answering my prayer for all the good things I wanted her to be and who she is.  I see how other people love her and enjoy her and I think - what more could a mom want than to know if, God forbid, something should happen to me, she would still be loved and cared for in this world.  Surround your child with love and many people that love them as well and thank God for the great gift of love in children that He has given us.  And, keep them close to God.

On this day
2003  Nicole went to Cedar Point with her Physics class.  It took me a while to figure it out (never having taken physics myself) but I finally got the picture.  School changed quite a bit between when I was there and 2003.  I have over the years found myself on the rides but other than the merry go round I can't say I'm a fan.  Glad she went with others to these things.  I did find myself at Disney Land with her in Florida, and Chris who I think enjoyed it more than I did.

2003 - The U.S. government unveiled a newly designed version of the $20 bill. It was the first to be colorized in an effort to stop counterfeiters. I think they are still the most faked bill on the market.

Sofia Bulgaria
In the Second Balkan War, Bulgaria was fighting alone practically all of its neighbouring countries. When the Romanian Army entered Vrazhdebna in 1913, then a village seven miles (11 kilometres) from Sofia, now a suburb,[81] this prompted the Tsardom of Bulgaria to capitulate.
In 1925 a terrorist act of ultra-leftists failed their attempted assassination of the king but resulted in the destruction of the Saint Nedelya Church and many victims.
During the Second World War, Bulgaria declared war on the US and UK on 13 December 1941 and in late 1943 and early 1944 the US and UK Air forces conducted bombings over Sofia. As a consequence of the bombings around 2000 people were killed and thousands of buildings were destroyed or damaged including the Capital Library and thousands of books. In 1944 Sofia and the rest of Bulgaria was occupied by the Soviet Red Army and within days of the Soviet invasion Bulgaria declared war on Nazi Germany.
In 1945 the communist Fatherland Front took power and executed several thousand people. The transformations of Bulgaria into the People's Republic of Bulgaria in 1946 and into the Republic of Bulgaria in 1990 marked significant changes in the city's appearance. The population of Sofia expanded rapidly due to migration from rural regions. New residential areas were built in the outskirts of the city, like Druzhba, Mladost and Lyulin.
During the Communist Party rule a number of the city's most emblematic streets and squares were renamed for ideological reasons, with the original names restored after 1989.[82]
The Georgi Dimitrov Mausoleum, where Dimitrov's body had been preserved in a similar way to the Lenin mausoleum, was demolished in 1999.  Now we can look at more current things!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Rita and Evan!

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