Tuesday, May 8, 2018

May 8, 2018 #Reprint from May 8, 2016

Get Fit
 It says to press these points on your hand to alleviate pain in that specific area.
#health #healthyeating #healthyliving #beauty #remedy #amazing#hand #relief #pain check it out!

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 13:4,81a  "Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  Love never fails."  In short God created Mothers as an example.

On this day
1979 - Just to keep things in perspective.  I started work at Quality in 1966, so I had worked there for 13 years.  Keep in mind this was 1979.  On this day the boss gave me a raise bringing me up to 225.00 a week or 5.63 an hour.  Imagine that. The average was 4.44 per hour .

1096 - Peter the Hermit and his army reached Hungary. They passed through without incident. If Peter was a hermit why was he going to Hungary?

This is my first mothers day not having a mother here.  There are a lot of women that were like mothers to me that I remember.  Ann Michie, my first mother in law was wonderful, she thought I was an angel.  She said she really could see a light like a halo around my head.  Tatjiana and Xana, mother and grandmother of  Pete both doted on me.  Pat McCarthy, still my "Ma" that I spoke to yesterday and wished a Happy Mother's Day in Florida.  She and I were very close while sharing Nicole and Aaron growing up.  My Mom passed in December so today I will go and clean up her gravesite and plant some grass seed. I had her for 68 years, through good and bad and we ended being best of friends.   Happy Mother's Day!  

Quebec City

 Explore Quebec City images on Flickr

20th and 21st centuries[edit]

Port of Quebec City in the early 20th century
Quebec City was struck by the 1925 Charlevoix–Kamouraska earthquake.
During World War II, two conferences were held in Quebec City. The First Quebec Conference was held in 1943 with Franklin Delano Roosevelt (the United States' president at the time), Winston Churchill (the United Kingdom's prime minister), William Lyon Mackenzie King (Canada's prime minister) and T.V. Soong (China's minister of foreign affairs). The Second Quebec Conference was held in 1944, and was attended by Churchill and Roosevelt. They took place in the buildings of the Citadelle and of nearby Château Frontenac. A large part of the D-Day landing plans were made during those meetings.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Anna! and Gerry!  

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