Thursday, May 17, 2018

May 17, 2018 Thursday#nodrugs#forgive#dirtygarage#war#noskiing

Get Fit

Heartburn, isn't that feeling of acid in the throat from the upper sphincter not closing because of low HCL (stomach acid), so they give antacid when the acid is low? makes no sense to me. Salt is needed for HCL and salt problems in the diet can be fixed with proper amount of potassium. Low HCL causes proteins to fail to be broken down properly and pepsin isn't released form the stomach lining either, as a result vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are missed or are sent through the intestinal lining not fully digested and causing allergy. (note, as we age our stomach acid amount lowers) I post this because I am only on one prescription and that is for acid reflux, you should make your own decisions or check with your doctor before changing anything.

Get Faith
Proverbs 15:1 " A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." I like this verse as well from 1 Corinthians 13:5 "Love ...will hardly even notice when others do it wrong." I've found myself less prone to anger as I get older, maybe I'm getting wiser, but I think it is the realization that it rarely makes anything better. Let off steam? What are you? a teapot? Jesus teaches us to love one another and overlook the smallest to largest differences we have in the interest of peace.

On this day
2009 It was a Sunday which meant, after church we picked up Arby's for lunch. Mom, Nicole and I did this for years, Nicole and I still do occasionally. After lunch I started cleaning the garage and as usual, it drew a crowd. Jeffrey was living next door with his daughter, Crystal. He was in a wheelchair and always dressed to the T's. When I was in the yard he always came over to visit. I gave him a pop and he talked away to me until, Ty and his dog Dewey came over to join us. Needless to say I didn't get too much of the garage cleaned, Ty and I always celebrated the day with beer. I had baked a turkey breast and Mom, Nicole and I watched the Red Wings game - they were in the play offs. I didn't see the end - I had to go to church for Board of Evangelism and Council.

1681 - Louis XIV sent an expedition to aid James II in Ireland. As a result, England declares war on France. I'm sorry so much of what I post is about war but, it is who we are.

Sofia Bulgaria

reen areas[edit]

The city has an extensive green belt. Some of the neighbourhoods constructed after 2000 are densely built up and lack green spaces. There are four principal parks – Borisova gradina in the city centre and the SouthernWestern and Northern parks. Several smaller parks, among which the Zaimov Park, City Garden and the Doctors' Garden, are located in central Sofia. The Vitosha Nature Park (the oldest national park in the Balkans)[82] includes most of Vitosha mountain and covers an area of 266 square kilometres (103 sq mi),[83] with roughly half of it lying within the municipality of Sofia. Vitosha Mountain is a popular hiking destination due to its proximity and ease of access via car and public transport. Two functioning cable cars provide year long access from the outskirts of the city. The mountain offers favourable skiing conditions during the winter and during the 70s and the 80s multiple ski slopes of various difficulty were made available. Skiing equipment can be rented and skiing lessons are available. However, due to the bad communication between the private offshore company that runs the resort and Sofia municipality, most of the ski area has been left to decay in the last 10 years so that currently there is only one chairlift and one slope working.  Well that is too bad.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sue!

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